28 ~ Somehow You Make Me Feel Better

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A few days had passed since my weekend meet up with my group of famous wannabes in Tokyo.  And ever since I got back I've been putting off working on my paper for creative writing.

I regret this deeply now

I sat in my room in my apartment working on the term paper that was do within the next week.  I had only one whole page written which, definitely wasn't enough to get a decent grade.  Let alone turning it in without making revisions. 

I was in quite the hurry to get it done.  A week may seem like a long time to most people,  but with me holding a job along with homework for other classes  it really wasn't much time.

And spamming from a certain Human version of a Pikachu wasn't helping my frustrations.

Flirty Pikachu:

Babe pay attention to me!!

Flirty Pikachu:

Tell me about your day 😢

Flirty Pikachu:

Plz don't ignore me

Flirty Pikachu:

I can see that you've opened all of my messages. Did I make you angry?  I'm sorry.

I can't deal with this any longer.


Alright I'll tell you this once. I'm not angry but very frustrated cuz I got to finish my term paper and revision it all within in week along with balancing my  job and other home work.

Flirty Pikachu:

Oh crap..... I'm sorry should I leave you alone.


Ur fine I'm sorry for blowing up i could use a break anyway

Flirty Pikachu:

So how was ur day


It was ok ig

Flirty Pikachu:

Just ok? U deserve great days not ok


Lol thanks its not like it was bad I just was rlly tired

Flirty Pikachu:

You should get more sleep then


I can't I got homework that needs to get finished

Flirty Pikachu:

Too bad you don't go to a college for preforming arts.


Oh yeah it's such a shame

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