xiv | interact

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I can't believe this book has been #1 for textfic for a couple days omggg

I'm so happy owo!!!

anyways, slight change on the chapter titles (Incase you don't follow my profile and/or haven't seen the post I put up), I figured words describing the chapters would be more interesting.

Don't worry, I'll still have the dates at the beginning of the chapter.

Also yes, cover change again, but I promise I'll stay with this one for at least 2 months or so lmaoo

April 26, 20XX

"I finally got into pewdiepie, are you happy now?" Todoroki had asked me.

I let a a small giggle, "Thank."

He stops for a moment to recollect his thoughts, "He seems like an interesting person, honestly I really haven't heard of him until you and softie had been talking about it."


That name should be reversed lmao.
But it's ok.

"You make me soft by just interacting with me," what the hell did I say?

I correct myself, "i-I MEAN NO UHH..."

Todoroki states blank at me for a few seconds, and chuckles.

"No wonder she said I should interact with you, how cute."

I feel like my heart exploded, and it's only the beginning of the day.



Y/N: hey I heard from y/n that you made her soft

owo: I did?

owo: and here I thought you were the only person that I made soft

Y/N: lmao fair

"Who ya texting?" Ochako peeked over my shoulder as she help her lunch tray.

"H-huh, Ochako!!" I yelp.

"She's texting her uwu stealer, Uraraka," Deku responds.

Ochako sits down, "Mm, it's a start that you're actually starting to talk to him though. Major improvement."

I sigh.

"Yeah but, do you think I'll keep up the secret identity forever? What if he finds out and then hates me?"

Deku thought for a moment, "Why don't you just tell him now?"

Ochako looked at him like he was crazy, "Sis did you even hear what she said?"

"Well, it was just a wonder, I mean what's hurting in just telling the truth?"

I look down.

I'm just not ready yet.

"Time will come, I'll tell when it's the right time."

Ochako and Deku's expression goes down.

"Are you sure you'll be okay? If you need anything, you know we're always here," Ochako said.


They give me a small hug in the end.


owo: was l/n ok today at lunch? She seemed down..

Y/N: she's fine.

Y/N: you don't need to worry.

owo: you sure?
✔️Seen at 4:52PM

It still isn't the right time.

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