Mummers House & Mobiles

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Mordelia spitting on Simon Snow was glorious. I didn't think she would actually do it, so I rewarded her with a five pound note. I suspect she'll excel at this school like I do. Perhaps she too will inherit her own minions and have a sworn enemy she's desperately in love with.

It really hit me over the summer. That I loved him. I've known I was gay for a while but something about the way Snow followed me like a lost puppy all of last year had me... confused.

I tried to wank it away during the summer but I think I just made it worse. And when I saw him today in the dining hall scoffing down the scones it all came flooding back. I'm a disgrace to myself. Simon Snow, of all people. The boy I have to kill.

He looked so skinny. Like he'd barely eaten all summer. His curls aren't back yet after his annual July shave. Snow didn't do regular haircuts, just one dramatic cut per year. I wonder what it would feel like to run my hands through it? The spiky bristles of each bronze strand between my fingers as he slept by my side.

Ugh. I'm infuriatingly pathetic.

I drain a final rat until it's shrivelled and limp and throw it against the stone wall of the Catacombs. Snow will hopefully be asleep by the time I get back so I don't have to talk to him and have my fantasy crushed by our raging hostility.

I walk up the winding stone steps to our door and slide in quietly. If he's asleep I don't want to wake him (I can't watch him when he's awake).

But, to my surprise, I walk in to the lights all on and Simon Snow sitting on top of his covers, captivated by book in his hands.

I ignore him, taking my silk pyjamas from my wardrobe and slinking off to the bathroom. Maybe he'll go to sleep now he knows I'm here.

After showering off the dust from the catacombs I emerge from the bathroom door slicking my hair back. The lights are still on and Snow is still reading.

"Baz," he says, a question in his tone.

I Clean As a Whistle my clothes from today and put them away, ignoring him again.

"Baz," he repeats.

I decide to answer, just to shut him up.

"What?" I spit, climbing into bed.

"Does garlic actually repel you?"

Oh Morgana. He's reading a vampire book.

"You're an idiot, Snow." I turn to face away from him .

"Does that mean you can't eat garlic bread? That would suck." His eyebrows are deeply furrowed. He flicks through the pages.

"Snow, if you're seriously insinuating that I'm a vampire then I think it's time you went to sleep."

"What?" He slams the books shut, looking sure of himself now. "So you can suck my blood? Unlikely!"

"You're a moron." I guess I'll just go to sleep. I've given up on being a tragic romantic for tonight. Maybe loving Simon Snow is cancelled. I'll just let him infuriate me until my admiration disappears.

"I should've got some garlic from Tesco's before I came back. And wrung it around my bed post. Dulled your saliva glands."

He keeps talking nonsense and I fall asleep.


I wake up to Bohemian Rhapsody blasting from Snow's mobile phone. It's the type of phone that's cruddy but not too cruddy that it can't play music.

"I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me!" He shouts.

Snow has absolutely zero problem with waking me up. He's already flung open the curtains, likely after discovering from his vampire books that we burn in sunlight. We don't actually burn it just sort of stings.

I shove my face into my pillow. "Dev told me the Mage was banning phones." I muffle into the pillow.

The music stops.

"What?" Snow spins around. His shirts half done up and his tie hanging loose around his neck. I let myself count the moles on his cheek and over his eye.

"He waltzed into Dev and Niall's room last night and took theirs."

"No, no, no, no, no, no!"he rakes his hands through his bronze curls. "I just spent 6 hours at the Reading library illegally downloading all the Twilight films."

"Why on Earth would you do that?" I ask, disgusted, throwing my covers off and collecting my clothes from the wardrobe.

"Research," he mumbles.

Snow throws his green blazer over his shoulder (it isn't a school day he just wears it 24/7) and hustles out the door to breakfast.

Before I get changed I fantasise a little about being Edward Cullen and Snow being Bella Swan. I saw the first movie last year just to critique the accuracy. I would be intensely more flamboyant if I sparkled in the sunlight. Stalker-wise, Edward and I were on similar terms. The watching Bella sleep, the staring at her from across rooms and parking lots. That's how I watched Snow.

Maybe I could pull up in a silver Volvo just like Edward and save Snow from a pack of thugs. Then, he could brush his hand against mine."You're cold, ice cold."(That part was true. Being cold.)

Or maybe I could pull my head out of my arse and make my way to breakfast. I don't ever eat, just watch Snow from the other side of the dining hall. Crowley, I really am like Edward Cullen. Maybe watching Twilight really would help Snow find out more about vampires. And how they're pathetically desperate for what they can't have.

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