23. Northern Ireland - Pt. II

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A/N: Apologies for all the grammar and spelling errors throughout. I write everything at like 1am and have 0 patience or focus to stay up later to edit. Eventually I'll fix it.


The walk back to the pub sobers me up. When we return, the driverless bus is pulled up at the entrance. I find a seat up the back by the window. Simon follows and sits beside me. I don't look at him, just stare out the window into the darkness.

Why did he kiss me?

Before I can come up with an answer, I feel him reach for my hand in the space between us. First, he hooks his pinky around mine, then slowly edges his hand atop of mind and laces his fingers through my own. He runs his thumb across my palm just like he did in the ocean. I still don't look at him. I don't think I can.

How drunk is he? Completely? Not at all?

We stay like that the whole way back to the school and Snow only lets go when we get off the bus. Everyone walks through the courtyard together, stifling their laughter in a sad attempt to keep silent. Snow lingers around waving goodnight to all the girls who are enraptured by his existence, so I huff straight to bed. I don't want to deal with whatever is going on between us. If Snow is drunk, I'd rather let him forget it. I need to think it through. Write a pros and cons list about the whole situation.

I hunker down into my sleeping bag and just as soon as I do, Snow enters the tent. I pretend to be asleep.

I listen to the rustle of the sleeping bag and feel him kick me as he rearranges himself. It always takes him a while to get comfortable, he's always rolling and writhing until he's curled up in the perfect ball.

Strangely enough, the wriggling stops after a few short seconds. I feel a nudge on my shoulder.


There it is again. Demanding all my attention by just saying my name.

I don't answer. He's probably just confused. I'll pretend I'm asleep.

"I know you're awake, Baz." Snow calls. "You're doing that angry breathing thing."

Merlin, he's persistent. I'll just have to let him know I'm not interested. "I'm tired, Snow."

"Oh," he says sadly. "Okay."

There's more rustling when he goes to grab something out of his bag. Bright light fills the tent as Snow turns his phone on. He's addicted to that thing. I swear he's been playing games on it half of the trip.

"Crowley, Snow," I groan. "What're you doing?"

"Finishing Eclipse."

Somewhere along the way I had forgotten that Simon Snow is an absolute moron. He's fumbling his way through life, moving from one distraction to the next. And I love him for it.

I turn to face him. His earphones are in and he's chewing on the cord, the light from the screen illuminating his tawny skin. I pull out one of his ear buds. He startles slightly.

"What're you up to?" I ask.

"Edward, Bella, and Jacob are in the tent in the forest. Bella has to sleep with Jacob to keep warm because Edward's skin is so cold."

"Hmm," I respond. "Interesting."

"What?" Snow tests, pausing the movie.

"I don't think that's a very accurate depiction of vampires."

Snow shuffles in his sleeping bag to face me, "Really, how so?"

"We're not that cold." So much for ignoring Snow. Now I'm inviting him in. I can't help it. I need to find out if it was just a one time thing.

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