22. Northern Ireland - Pt 1 (edited)

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A/N: A chapter in which Simon is a bisexual legend.

-I love when I use "their" instead of "there. Very epic.


"Alright guys, everyone on." Coach Mac instructs, waving the tired team onto the bus. "If you're planning on misbehaving tonight, I suggest you sleep on the way."

It's 5am. Which seems completely unnecessary considering the school board are paying us to fly from Liverpool to Derry. Surely, we could have left at lunch. That way I could have eaten some breakfast. 

Baz was worse off than me this morning. He is not a morning person. The alarm went off at four and he spent 10 minutes groaning. We walked to the gates separately. Baz says he's not ready to explain our friendship to his minions yet. It seems stupid to me. Dev and Niall seem to worship the ground Baz walks on. I'm sure once he tells them we'll all be chums.

Baz walks to sit at the back of the bus with Niall. Typical bad boys. That leaves me practically friendless, so I end up next Ross, the 7th year who complemented my suit at the Halloween Ball. His girlfriend Jane, a midfielder, sits across the aisle next to her friend Flora Duffield.

"Hiya, Simon." Ross smiles, sitting down next to me. He has a nice smile, broad and white.

I smile back. "Hiya, Ross."

"Keen for the weekend?" he asks.

"You bet."

"You coming out to the pub tonight?"

"I'm 16."

Ross laughs.

"Don't worry, Si." Si? No one ever calls me that. I like it. "My mate Shawn is Binevenagh's team captain. He says the village pub will serve a 12 year old if they pay."

"Hah. Well I guess you'll catch me there then."

I wonder if Baz will come out with us tonight. Discretely, I look over my shoulder to the back of the bus. Baz is asleep, curled up by the foggy window like a cat. I wish I could chat to him, I'm bored. As handsome as Ross is, he's a bit too much of a lad. All the way to Liverpool all he talks about is protein powder and his new motorcycle.


We arrive at the John Lennon airport at around 7:30am. Finally, a chance for me to get some breakfast. I head to a coffee shop near our gate and grab a toasted sandwich and a cup of tea. The flight isn't until 9 so I sit at our gate and pull out my phone (we're allowed them back for the trip. Thank God. Finally I can watch Eclipse.)

Just as I'm about to get a high score on Subway Surfers, Baz comes and sits down next to me. He nudges my arm with his elbow to get my attention.

"Oi, Snow what seat number are you?"

"Maybe you should leave in case Niall sees you." I joke, trying to make it sound like I'm not actually mad that he's ashamed of me.

"Bugger off, Snow." Him calling me Simon lasted about 5 minutes. "Just show me."

I pull out my ticket. "15A."

"15B," Baz says, looking pleased. "Niall's in 2D so I won't have to do any explaining."

I roll my eyes.

On the plane I get the window seat, which is a little daunting because I've never been on a plane before. I wasn't even thinking about it until I sat down.

"Why are you green?" Baz mocks.

"I've never flown before."


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