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"Did you get the food??"
"Yes my dearest Cousin who's finally not gonna be single!!"
"Jimin don't make me slap you!"
"Guys Tae updated!! Hoseok's near!!"
"Ok everyone, get rea-"
"Tae, this doesn't feel like your home...", Hoseok's loud voice rang out. Everyone was silent because they were awaiting for the signal. "Hobi Hyung, I assure you it is...and you know, I haven't forgotten of your special day so..." Taehyung winked at everyone as a signal and caused Jungkook's breath to hitch just a little. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone erupted in unison and it caused poor little Hobi to scream in shock and fear. Laughter soon followed and Hoseok was beaming so brightly, his sunshine-ness came out. "Oh my god!! You guys shouldn't have!" Hoseok was ecstatic, and deep in his mind, it was screaming, "I KNEW IT!" Hoseok was curious and so he questioned who was here. Tae responded with a challenge, and that was if Hoseok could guess the people who came, he would get a prize, to start with his presents immediately. Hoseok thought as hard as he could, to try and guess who would arrive. Then, his heartbeat stopped because he wanted to know whether he was here. "Umm...I guess Suga??" There was silence, as if there was something they were hiding, not admitting, and Hoseok swore he could feel his heart wrenched. 'He's not here isn't he...' Hoseok thought to himself, considering the fact that maybe Suga and Jungkook were actually taking long shifts.
~Meanwhile what was actually happening~
Suga was gesturing everyone to keep quiet. He had his finger on his lip and his expressions was calm, as cool as bongo cat. (CAUSE LIL' MEOW MEOW!) Everyone was giving faces of confusion and Jin was failing his arms as if to say, "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Suga ignored Jin and continued placing his finger on his lip, but this time he used his other hand and motioned his hand up and down, to tell them to calm down.
Hoseok was looking like his very being has crashed down, and it was. He just stood there staring at the ground, or at least staring down somewhere.
All of a sudden, Hoseok felt a hug, and it felt so warm, and safe in that person's arms. He felt that person's breath on his ear, and a voice whispering, "Correct. Happy birthday my Hobi." 'That's Suga's voice!! A...and "my Hobi"? Holy shit that was hot!!' "Damn right that was sweetheart," the voice whispered again. "Wha...what?" Hoseok felt his face grow hot. "You were whispering that under your breath," Suga replied. Hoseok had never been more embarrassed and Suga saved him by telling him to continue guessing.
And so he did, missing out Jimin, which he found out was Suga's cousin, and Jin which caused Jin to be in a fit. Everyone laughed as Jin chanted how handsome he was and why no one should forget him and so on so forth.
In the end they still let Hoseok open the presents first. "Me first as an apology for forgetting about me," Jin said and everyone erupted in laughter again. "I can't believe you're still stuck with that, but I Guess I'll just open your present." Hoseok took the present he received and ripped it open, taking out a jacket. "It's pink cause pink looks good on anyone. Mostly me but you get the point." Hoseok did not want to disappoint Jin and his present. Well mostly cause he received so many pink sweaters and jackets from Jin, it filled that one specific closet he bought just for these types of occasions. "Thanks Jin for the 47th pink jacket or sweater," Hoseok attempted to say, as kindly as he possibly could. Yoongi's eyes widened, amazed at the amount that Hoseok pitifully received. Afterwards Hoseok opened everyone's present accordingly.
Namjoon: a pair of Converse
Jimin: a t-shirt that said 'smile'
Tae: a Gucci jacket
Jungkook: a pair of Timberlands
And Yoongi's was the last. Hoseok opened it up to receive a mini pillow, it was so cuddly!! "Wow Suga, this is amazing. It's the first time I ever received a pillow instead of clothes. Thank you so much!" Yoongi smirked, looking at the others' grumpy faces.   Soon it was time for cake and it was everything Jimin ever wanted.
"The cake is beautiful..."
"You did a good job..."
"The cake is colourful!"
"Looks delicious."
Hoseok frowned, he didn't know how the cake looked and he can't because he's blind. "I have a birthday wish, and I want everyone to hear it!" Hoseok said out loud. "But if you say it, it won't come true." Namjoon reasoned with him, but Hoseok wasn't having any of it. "I wanna see again!" He shouted and blew the candles as everyone stood there gasping and gawking at him. "Hoseok..." Jimin wanted to say something but Hoseok interrupted saying, "I'm tired of being blind, tired of hearing people saying something looks great and not being able to see what they mean. When someone says something about waters being crystal clear, you never know what they mean. They can describe as much as they want and you can only imagine, not see! I wanna see, I wanna relate with all of you, I wanna be like every single one of you, to be able to see..." Hoseok was in tears when he finished. And everyone pitied their crying friend, putting themselves in his shoes, they could see how much he struggled, and they felt horrible for being heartless and not think about how Hoseok felt before. Yoongi gave Hoseok a hug, trying to console him. Everyone followed and ended up in a group hug, with a sobbing Hoseok in the middle. "Let's do it," someone said and everyone got shocked and confused. There were sounds of people questioning 'what' and Yoongi cleared his throat, saying, "Let's get Hoseok to see again." Everyone was waving their arms, mouthing to Yoongi about how horrible his idea was. "Hoseok, go to your room for a while, we wanna discuss with Yoo- Suga. We wanna discuss with Suga." Hoseok was questioning what they are about to say before, but shrugged it off and thought of it as them planning another surprise.
In another room far from Hoseok's bedroom,  Jin was red in the face, whisper-shouting at 'Suga' how bad the idea was. Everyone was pitching in, telling Yoongi things like:
"He'll know who you are!"
"What if he doesn't want to be your friend anymore?!"
"I'm sorry but your efforts might be wasted and he may think of you as a total liar!"
"I wanna go to Yeontan..."
"Me too Tae, but I tried and they pushed me back in..."
Yoongi remained stone-faced, waiting for the precious silence he deserved, so that he could explain himself. Finally when everyone calmed down, Yoongi spoke, "We're not gonna help Hoseok immediately. I'm gonna bond with him until we become best friends, something like that. Then we'll give him his sight. During the time when I bond with him, he'll know that I've changed when I admit to him who I really am. For now, please play along with me." Everyone looked skeptical, unsure if they should agree or not. Jimin, being the fantastic cousin that he was, agreed with him. Namjoon thought meaningfully for a moment before telling Yoongi, "This isn't gonna work perfectly. There's gonna be like, a 35% chance that Hoseok would still be mad at you, but I'll help you anyway, because even though we just met a little while ago, I still consider you as my friend." Yoongi sarcastically replied, "Aww that's so sweet..." but after seeing Namjoon's insulted face, he muttered, "Thank you..." Taekook agreed, they would always follow each other, and also because they just want to get out of such a tense situation and go see the lovely Yeontan. All that was left was the response from Jin(familiar much?) and this time Jin was still mad, really mad. He was just staring angrily at Yoongi. "Jin, come on, why are you so mad? I'm gonna help Hoseok fulfil his wish! I'M gonna be the one at risk!" "IT'S NOT JUST YOU YOONGI!" "Did you guys say something?" Hoseok called out. His heart sank because he could've sworn he heard Yoongi's name. Was Yoongi here? Was that their surprise? Did Suga arrange this? Hoseok was sweating, filled with questions that could fill the whole ocean. "Nope Hoseok, it's fine! Nothing's wrong!" Jimin's voice rang out. Back to the situation where Jin was breathing heavily from screaming his lungs out. "It's not just you...it's Hoseok. If Hoseok found out about who you really were all along, do you know how heart-broken he would be? I've known Hoseok since we were children, I'm like his Brother, and I know him well enough that he would break into millions and millions of pieces. You're only his highschool friend, his supposed 'new best friend' all thanks to Suga, I can't decide immediately whether to help you or not." Jin sighed after he finished, silence filling the room they were in. Yoongi didn't know what to say, Jin actually had a really good point. After a few seconds, he told Jin, with a hand rested on his broad shoulders, that he was going to make sure Hoseok never gets sad ever again. Jin didn't look convinced, but then he saw Yoongi's eyes, that were filled with sincerity at its highest value. In the end Jin sighed once more, but nodded, causing the group to cheer. Silently that is, because they didn't want to scare Hoseok again. All of the boys came out to call for Hoseok, and they continued the birthday party all the way till nightfall.

A/N: My gosh! I can't believe I could write till 1.6k words! Well, it's all for y'all! Btw I don't think I wanna call you guys Boops anymore because it feels insincere. I really want to name all of you girls/guys/both if that's what you are something all of you want to hear. I actually considered ARMY but that's BTS's thing. So please suggest something<3
Anyways, I'm really excited for what I have in store for all of you.  Stay tuned y'all!
Luv ya!

  Stay tuned y'all! Luv ya!Youwavey

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