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Hoseok was being dragged by Yoongi, around the coffee shop and into somewhere cosy. "So...this is my favourite in the Coffeeshop," Yoongi told Hoseok. Hoseok brushed his hand across his seat. It was so comfortable, like a mini couch just for him.
"Arm chair."
Hoseok smiled, telling Yoongi how it felt like. "Suga, it's like a big pillow!!" Yoongi smiled at him, god was he so cute!
"Umm...a cup of coffee with sugar and milk."
As Yoongi waddled to the barista, he was frowning. 'Why can't I just form proper sentences? I was doing well before!'
"Sir! What would you like to have?"
Yoongi looked up to see a woman, but...she seemed so slutty. Her hair was tied in a messy blonde bun, her first two buttons undone to show her cleavage, face powdered with a thick layer of makeup.
Once she saw his face, she started to smirk. "Ooh baby, what's a hunk like you doing here?" Yoongi looked behind, even though he knew it was hopeless to think that she wasn't referring to him. He was the only one in the queue and he disappointingly looked back at her. The woman bit her lip which was too red for Yoongi's taste. It was so greasy, god he wanted to puke. She gave a 'seductive' wink, and ask, "What? Am I too attractive for you too?" "Too?" Yoongi questioned. "Oh sweetheart, don't you know how cute you look?" Yoongi looked at her in utter disgust. He gave her the order, getting a cup of plain black coffee for himself.
"Sounds like sugar, sweet like you baby. My name's Janiah. Maybe we could meet up some other time and...you know...take things to the next level?"
"No. And don't call me cute."
That was all Yoongi said before leaving that ugly slut and going to his wonderful Hoseok.
Janiah raised an eyebrow. 'Playing hard to get huh? Oh it's on.'
A few minutes passed and Yoongi was wondered what the hell was going on with his coffee. Hoseok was fiddling with his fingers. "It's taking a while huh?" Hoseok pouted, his tiny little dimples showing, as he nodded in response to Yoongi's comment. Yoongi held Hoseok's hand and used his thumb to brush over Hoseok knuckles. His attempt worked and Hoseok smiled, telling him that he felt better. "Hey Suga." Yoongi's eyes widened. That voice was so cringy, oh god was it her? Yoongi turned to his right to see Janiah, the bitch. Yoongi glared at her as she placed their drinks. Slowly, she came closer to Yoongi and squeezed her biceps to her chest to 'unintentionally' make her cleavage look more obvious. Yoongi could almost feel the bile rising up his throat. "Thank you for the drinks. Now leave."
Hoseok felt uncomfortable, this waitress seemed to be invading Suga's personal space, which he remembered was something important to him. It was during one of their conversations while trying to get to know each other. "Oh Suga, how could you shun me away? Oh? Who's this? Your friend?" Janiah gave Hoseok a look of disgust. And Yoongi was furious.
"Leave," He repeated, trying his best not to slap that face of disgust far away. "Suga dear, why are you acting this way? Can't you just be a gentleman and give in?" She winked again and Yoongi could see pink eye shadow, which was so fucking pigmented, like she layered it over and over again. Her intoxicating perfume filled his nostrils and Yoongi felt as if his nose was burning in a tub of acid.
"I'm in the middle of a date." Yoongi stated as a matter-of-factly, and she looked shocked. "You're gay?!" "Yeah? So what if I am gay? What are you gonna do about it?!" Yoongi's hand hit the table causing a loud 'bang' to erupt throughout the coffeeshop. Hoseok held Yoongi's hand to calm him down and stop causing a scene because he could feel the stares of what seemed like a thousand people. "Please leave us alone...please?" Hoseok begged the waitress and tried his very best to sound polite.
"Disgusting," she muttered under her breath and Yoongi kicked her leg under the table. "Ouch!" She screamed and looked at Yoongi. "God you are really trying, but it's okay because I'll turn you straight. I'll make sure you leave this ugly thi- ouch!" Yoongi had kicked her under the table again and glared at her. She rolled her eyes and Yoongi said in a voice soft enough for her to hear, "Continue rolling your eyes, try finding a brain back there while you're at it." Janiah's face was red with anger and embarrassment and she stormed away from the two. Hoseok was tearing a little and Yoongi immediately held his hand to cheer him up. "Hey, hey...I'm sorry for being so shitty and giving you such a shitty date and-"
"It's not that, I just can't believe that waitress was shamelessly hitting on you. And it seems she doesn't like me. I'm ugly huh?"
"No! Don't say that!" Yoongi replied while wiping Hoseok's tears. "You're so beautiful to me, you're like a sun. You're like...my sun." Yoongi felt cheesy and he almost puked at himself but then he saw Hoseok begin to smile.
"Thank you Suga."
The manager came after a few seconds and sorted everything out with the couple. He apologised and gave a complimentary muffin. Hoseok gave a chain of 'thank you's to the manager before leaving with Yoongi, hand in hand.
The two ended up going everywhere near the coffeeshop and found themselves at the beach. It was around 7.30, a wonderful evening for them. They strolled along the the ocean and from time to time the water would hit their feet. They were talking about Janiah, and Hoseok was quietly chuckling as Yoongi ranted on and on about how horrible Janiah was.
"Suga please calm down."
Yoongi took a big breath, and another, and let go all his problems while Hobi squeezed his hand. "Thanks," Yoongi said, pulling his collar higher to hide his cheeks which was blushing a bright, rosy red. The two were secretly smiling to each other as they peacefully walked along the coast.
"Oh my god...is that Yoongi? And Hoseok?" A voice whispered to himself. This person was covering his mouth, shocked to see the two together. "He actually did it, he had gone on a date. Now all that's left is to make sure he doesn't break Hoseok's heart."
~The next day brought to you by sexy brain~
Yoongi's phone was ringing violently, and Yoongi picked it up in frustration. Who would dare interrupt his wonderful sleep?! "Who is it?" Yoongi asked grumpily. "HOW COULD YOU?!" The voice screeched in his ear. Yoongi had to bring his phone far away from his ear out of instinct. That voice was so loud, he thought he had pressed the speaker button by accident. "What?" Yoongi asked, frustrated with the fact that this person would wake him up in his sleep and then scream in his ear. "You went on a date with Hoseok and didn't tell me!" Yoongi took a few seconds to process who was on the phone, but who the fuck could think straight from waking up just a while ago? "Who are you creep? Why were you stalking me and Hoseok?" "HOW DARE YOU! IT'S JIN!!"
"I saw you with Hoseok on the beach when I was walking back with my coffee."
"You didn't tell me you two went on a date!"
"Because I care! This is between you and Hoseok who, for your information, is my childhood friend, which means I treat him like a brother and if you dare to hurt him, I'll make sure you land in the furnace where they throw all the trash which you would be to me if you even try."
"Jesus..." Yoongi whispered to himself.
"So tell me what happened on your date!"
"No please."
Jin was taken aback. "What? Why? Did something happen? Did you hurt him? Oh my god I swear if you did-"
"Then what's wrong?"
There was silence for a moment. Yoongi sighed tiredly and Jin decided to speak up.
"How about tomorrow? Would it be better if you told me tomorrow?"
The phone goes dead and Yoongi places his phone in the table. He covered his face with his hands and proceeded to lie on the bed in frustration. Nothing was wrong, but Yoongi still felt disappointed.
Was it Hoseok? No, definitely not. Hoseok still made his heart beat like crazy and made his face hot.
Was it the date? No, not exactly. Janiah ruined it, he dared to admit, but Hoseok managed to make him feel better again. And he had so much fun being with Hoseok yesterday, he felt like doing it all over again!
So what was it that made Yoongi feel like yesterday sucked? Was it...him? Yes, it was. He felt disappointed with how he spoke to Hoseok, how he could not control himself, how the date almost got ruined because he just had to choose the coffeeshop he liked where that dumb slut Janiah ruined their date.
There were so many negative thoughts flowing in his head. Yoongi wanted to break, then there was a ring. Who would call him just when he was about to cry? Looking at the caller ID, it was Hoseok, his everything, who somehow called at the right moment. Yoongi took a big breath to flush all the thoughts that were overflowing in his head and answered.
"Hey Suga! I just wanted to say thanks for yesterday. I really enjoyed it and even though you didn't seem to talk, I still loved it. The peace was enjoyable really."
"Do you wanna go again?" Yoongi didn't know what came over him, but he really wanted to feel the butterflies in his stomach or the crazy beating of his heart. It just made him feel so alive. To his delight, Hoseok immediately replied with, "Of course! Are we going to do it today?"
"Yeah...around 7? A special place too." Yoongi replied. He was ready to do it again, to try and talk more. It was difficult, really, to open up to someone that you've never talked to for so long. And Hoseok didn't exactly know who he was so Yoongi struggled a lot. But he felt as if he was ready to take on the world. All he needed to do now was to plan where to go for the date.
~worldwide funny guy~
Hoseok was in his pajamas, squeezing the pillow Suga gave him. He was in love, there was no denying. He couldn't wait for the clock to strike seven. He went to his closet and felt around. Hmm, what to wear? He chose something casual, feeling a t-shirt and a pair of pants. After putting on his clothes, he sat back on his bed and cuddled the pillow again. He breathed in the mint scent and imagined him in Suga's embrace. God, the smell was so faint but so familiar and Hoseok struggled to guess why.
'Never mind, guess I'll just listen to something till 7' He thought to himself. And there he sat with the song he heard on the day of his birthday. The song that Suga played for him. "I composed it." He remembered Suga saying. "I'd love to hear it all day." He remembered replying and Suga sent the recording to him.
And there Hoseok sat, playing the song on repeat. He almost fell asleep until the alarm rang and sounded throughout his whole room. Hoseok zipped down, phone and wallet with him, and there Suga was, at the door to lead him to the car. To be honest, Suga was quite a gentleman. And excluding the part where the waitress decided to interrupt, most of it was fun. So Hoseok couldn't wait as the engine sputtered to life and they started moving down the road.

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