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And so it began, everyone setting off to do their assigned jobs from Yoongi. Taekook was one team and minjoon was another. All that was left was mama Jin, who was interrogating Yoongi.
"What did you tell Hoseok when introducing yourself?"
"I'm Suga."
"Did you say anything that wasn't true??"
"Did anything happen between you two?!"
Yoongi stayed silent, and of course, jin mistook it as a sign. "OH MY GOD YOU DID?!" Jin screeched in horror. "NO!" Yoongi replied, and Jin realised Yoongi was ultimately embarrassed which was why he did not answer. "Wow, you need to try to speak up in these things, you almost have me a heart attack! What would this world do without their one and only handsome man??" Yoongi looked at him, face scrunched up and disgusted with what Jin said.
"Yah! What's that look for?! Are you trying to say I'm ugly or something? Look at me! I'm telling you, this man is THE worldwide handsome!" Jin pointed at himself with his thumbs, smirk filled with pride so strong, Yoongi felt like gagging the whole Pacific Ocean. Jin needed just one look from Yoongi to know what was his response. "Look Yoongi, if you thought acting disgusted is gonna hide the obvious jealousy, you're so wrong."
Yoongi faked a gagging noise, and was surprised by Jin grabbing his collar. "YOUNG MAN YOU BETTER ADMIT I'M HANDSOME!" Yoongi stared in shock, before hitting his arms away. "Jeez,"was all that Yoongi could say. Jin stared at him in anger, and pointed a finger at him before telling him in a voice that was loud enough for only Yoongi to hear. "Listen closely, you can act like your tough poop for all I care, but I'm your Hyung and you best respect me!" Yoongi chuckled which left Jin surprised. "Respecting you is like saying Mary's little lamb is a beast. You ain't nothing if you think sounding threatening is making you something. You can't even say shit and that's just the tip of the iceberg. So Mr 'handsome', you gotta try a lot harder to scare me. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave, Hyung."
Jin's eyes were popping out of his sockets as he watched Yoongi leave like nothing happened. Wow, maybe he did underestimate Yoongi just a little because that was freakishly dominant
A/N: let's see what's with the others so umm...I guess you just imagine that guy from spongebob⬇️
Jimin was sweating like crazy and he was trying his very best to distract himself with his assignment; to buy food and of course, cake, for the party. Namjoon was right there though! Right beside him! Walking and breathing and, and... "JIMIN!! Hello?? I'm talking to you!!" Jimin blinked from the intense thought of his and looked to his right to see Namjoon worrying over him. "Y...yes?" He responded with sweat simply coating his forehead. His gay was showing wasn't it? Namjoon is gonna be straight because of him! "Well...I was asking what we should buy first. Ya know, the food, the drinks, the...cake." "Oh! Um, we should get the food first! Good food, yum yum."
'Jimin! Wtf are you freaking saying right now?!'
"O....kay..." Namjoon replied, and started to walk a little awkwardly, like he was uncomfortable. 'GODDAMMIT JIMIN YOU DUMB MOTHER FU-'
"Alright, let's go!"
(Another meanwhile)
"How do we tell Hoseok that nothing's happening? That's just gonna confirm what our plans are!" Jungkook was frustrated because, seriously, they would've just show the whole freaking plan to Hoseok if they tried lying to him somehow. Taehyung didn't really care, he was walking with his hands supporting his neck, casually scratching his neck while he was at it. "Look, we just tell Hoseok we're here to visit and then when he asks about the party, we'll just act like we don't know, and tell him that we would probably just visit him on that day with a cupcake. As long as we lower his hopes of a party, he might forget about it. Then we can really surprise him for sure." Silence filled between the two before Jungkook whispered a 'wow' underneath his breath. "What?" "That's like...the smartest thing you've ever said..." Taehyung took a quick second to process before giving a boxy smile and replying with, "Aww, thanks! Wait...so you're saying everything else I say is dumb? I can't belie-" "Come on Taehyung, we gotta step on it!"
~Well, here's a time skip again. It probably could've been my friend if I knew how to get friends in the first place. Moving on! And hey, this one is brought to you by Taehyung being two different personalities: the genius and the what is wrong with him~
At Hoseok's house, Taehyung knocked on the door and took a deep breath. Jungkook was kinda sweating because he didn't know how to act like how he usually was.
The door swung open and Taehyung became a whole different person!! Jungkook stared in utter shock as Taehyung tackled Hoseok and landed both of them on the floor like he would always do. Following that was Taehyung screaming his usual, "HOBI HYUNG!! DIS YO BOI!!" And like always, Hoseok would give a hearty laugh before hugging Tae and giving him a pat on the back. Damn, was Tae an actor or what? Jungkook decided to take a deep breath, like Tae, and his usual routine as well. He pinched his nose bridge and went, "Sorry Hoseok Hyung, again." 'Oh my god! Of course! Taehyung did that so that I didn't have to start first and cause any suspicions! Tae is really being a genius!' "Jungkook?? Are you okay??" Hobi's voice rang out. "Sorry, I was just...having a little headache! That's all." Hoseok gave a look of worry before questioning if he was alright. "I'm feeling just fine Hyung! I assure you!" "Are you sure? Because you never had a headache before." Jungkook chuckled, amused with how his Hyung worries for him. "I have had it before, and I can take a little aching. I'm not a baby, I can take care of myself, don't worry!" Hoseok paused for a little while, his answer was uncertain. But after that, he gave a heart-shaped smile, as bright as the sun. With that, they went in his house.

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