21. | We Feel The Same

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Similarity 1. He feels the same way for her, as she does for him.

Cristina awkwardly picked up her fork, stabbing it into the steak she ordered. She glanced at the person sitting across from her, who was extremely attractive, but talked about himself the whole time.

She spent a whole hour even getting prepared, yet this is what she got. This was honestly the worst first date. Her track record of terrible first dates were sailing. Or sprinting, either way, she never wanted to go on a first date again.

The guy talked more about himself, then stuffed food in his mouth without chewing, and swallowed. If he chewed she could have got away with his bickering for at least a minute. At least he didn't talk with food in his mouth.

A beep from her cellphone suddenly brought the first smile from this date and she was happier when it read that there was an emergency in the ER. She stopd up and faced the guy who had even failed to notice that she was checking her phone and he stood up in shock.

"But I haven't even told you the rest of my story!" He cried. "You'll love to-"

"Ah, sorry, duty calls. If you'd bother to close your mouth for once and let me talk you'd know that I'm a renowned Cardiothoracic surgeon who needs to answer her emergency pages. You can pay because even though you don't know I have loads of money, you ordered everything for me." She snapped and waltzed out of the room. Until the date was out of sight, she ran as fast as she could out of the door and she walked into the street.

Cristina didn't even get to order a tequila because he ordered for her, a 1997 rum, and she hated rum. She waved her hand for a taxi and it screeched along the sidewalk. She opened the door as fast as she can and told him the location.

She checked her appearance and her hair was just a bit messier and her eyeshadow smudged a little, but in a way she kind of liked it. She took out a makeup wipe and took her lipstick off because there was going to be some serious injuries she would have to use to make up for her terrible date.

When she walked in, she realized that the environment wasn't as busy as she hoped and she walked around to find Owen, who had only just got his yellow trauma gown on.

"What's going on?" She asked, weaving around everyone and grabbing an extra pair of scrubs. She unzipped her dress down the back but didn't take it off, and threw her scrubs over the dress, then slid her pants from underneath like leggings. Then she pulled her arms from the sleeves and changed within her clothes. It was a trick she had learned when she was in eighth grade, she just never thought she would use it.

"Huge fire, lots of smoke inhalation. We need all cardio surgeons on deck, these lungs won't heal themselves." He said.

Cristina thanked this crisis for saving her. She really didn't want another minute on that date.


Guilt washed over Owen as he watched Cristina run into the ER. On a fake page, he had dragged her out of a date because of his own selfish jealousy. He didn't know what shook him, but the way her hair was clasped in a updo and her eyes were dark with eyeshadow.

He hadn't seen her like that for so long and it brought back a heart full of memories back when they were younger. It used to be so simple, they had each other. They were meant for each other and that was all that mattered. But after everything just slowly shook apart as they killed each other.

After sending the page, he never felt more terrible in his life, and the worst was watching her come into the ER, and he was lucky enough to have a crisis perfect for a cardio surgeon. Just being so lucky made him feel worse. He didn't deserve this luck. It should have been given to someone else like the man she must have been with.

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