Did He Hit You?

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I texted Colby and told him I wasn't going to school. I couldn't go to school with the bruises on my arms and my black eye. People would ask to many questions.

Colby💕⚡️: Please go
Y/N: I can't, I'm sick
Colby💕⚡️: Fine then I'm skipping school to come and take care of you
Y/N: No. Go to school, your education is much more important than me
Colby💕⚡️: You're funny, I'm coming over
Y/N: Cole Robert Brock you need to go to school, I'll be fine, I can take care of myself
Colby💕⚡️: Whatever you sayyy
Y/N: I love you baby have a good day at school❤️
Colby💕⚡️:Ok I love you too princess❤️

I began to cry a little. I wanted him to come over so I could tell him everything, but I just couldn't. How was I supposed to tell my boyfriend that my Dad got drunk and hit me? My father had never done this before, that's the most shocking part.

My Dad left the house, not saying anything to me. I just sat in my room on my bed replaying the night before in my head. About 15 minutes later, I heard a knock on the door downstairs. I walked down stairs in one of Colby's t-shirts I stole from his house awhile ago and a pair of sweats. I had my hair up in a messy bun. I looked in the mirror really quickly fixing myself, assuming it was just the FedEx guy dropping off a package. I opened up the door a crack to see Colby with flowers and chocolate, a big smile upon his face. I slowly opened the door in shock.

"Colby what the fuck I thought I told you to go to scho..." I got out before he walked in the door grabbing my jawline with his gentle touch, looking at my bruised eye, the smile quickly disappearing from his face.

"Baby, what happened?!" He asked concerned

"Oh, it's nothing." I replied nervously, taking his hand away from my face.

"(Y/N) that's not just.." He said before noticing the bruises on my arms. "(Y/N) WHAT THE HELL! What happened? Who did this to you, and why?"

"Nobody I just.. fell" I said looking down.

Colby dropped the flowers and chocolate, then closing the door before he faced me again, picking up my face with both of his hands. "Baby please, just tell me what happened."

I started to tear up, then I started to full on ball my eyes out. He let go of my face, pulling me into a hug, me wrapping my arms around his waist and him wrapping his arms up around my shoulders. He slowly started to stroke my hair as I cried hard into his chest. We just stood there for a few minutes until I calmed down. When my breathing started to return to normal, he let me out of the hug and grabbed my face the same way he did before.

"Can you please tell me what happened?" He asked sweetly. I nodded, sniffing a little bit. He started to take his hands off my face. I grabbed one of his hands, leading him up the stairs.

We sat down on my bed as I faced him.

"So my Dad.." I said before I started to sob again. I looked down

He lifted my chin up with his thumb and index finger. "Did he do this to you? Did he hit you?"


"Dad please calm down, you're drunk."I said with fear in my eyes, never seeing him like this.

"Shut up, you little slut." He spat at me.

"Dad.." I said a little upset and shocked

"You're just like your mother was, a little whore." He said, slurring his speech.

With tears streaming down my face I said  "Dad stop! How could you talk about mom like that!?"

"Shut up, you stupid bitch." My father slurred at me.

"DAD STOP THIS ISN'T YOU!" I said gripping his shoulders, trying hard to not start balling in front of him. He pushed me back a little towards the kitchen counter, gripping my arms as tight as he could. I winced in pain because of how hard he was holding my arms. "DAD STOP IT! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" I sobbed.

And then it happened. He punched me so hard I thought I was seeing stars. He let go of me as I grabbed my face.

"Stop your crying, you ungrateful bitch" he yelled. He starting yelling out random cuss words before passing out on the couch. I ran up to my room, locking the door. I ran and jumped into my bed, balling my eyes out from what just occurred. I looked down at my arms, already seeing the bruises appearing from how hard he gripped them. I then looked at the mirror on the wall, I began to cry with my head in my hands.


I explained to Colby what happened, occasionally having to pause to wipe away my tears, and he had this look in his eyes. I could tell that he felt terrible.

He didn't say a word till after I was finished. "Come here baby." He said before pulling me into a hug. He held me there for a minute or two before letting go. "So what do you want to do? Do you want to call the cops? You certainly can't stay here, maybe you can stay at my house for a little while."

"I don't know" I said starting to tear up. "I would love to stay with you though if that's possible." I said.

He smiled a little bit. "Okay, well how about you pack up a suitcase with some clothes and stuff and we can get out of here?" He asked. I nodded my head. We stood up and he helped me get down my suitcase from the top of my closet. I packed up as much stuff as I could into my suitcase, once and awhile sniffling. Colby said we could come back for the rest at another time or when I needed more stuff.  I sat down on my bed and put on some socks. I bent down to grab my suitcase but Colby beat me. He grabbed it and gestured towards the door. I smiled at him and walked through the door.

We walked down the stairs. I put my shoes and my leather jacket on before walking out the door.

Colby began to load my bag into the back of my car while asking "Are you gonna be okay to drive to my house?"

"Yep" I replied with a little smile. I looked at him and grabbed his face. I kissed him lightly on the lips. "I love you so much Colby, thank you." I said to him putting my forehead against his.

"I love you too (Y/N), and you are very welcome." He hugged me again kissing the top of my head.

We hopped in our cars. I let Colby and his car lead the way back to his house.

Hey guysss💜💜 How are you enjoying my content so far? Please comment and let my know. If you have any ideas please let me know in the comments!! Also let me know if you want a part two to this story!!


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