Rainy Day

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(A/N): Here's you hella basic imagine where the girl is afraid of thunderstorms. Idk why, these are just always so cute. So here ya go cutiessss❤️


I got up from my comfortable spot the couch with my boyfriend, Colby, and went to get some water. Lately I was under a lot of stress with my YouTube channel that I was constantly stressed out. As I got to the kitchen I grabbed a cup from the cupboard and walked over to the fridge. I started to fill up my cup with ice when I heard the horrifying sentence coming from the TV.

"We should be expecting some heavy thunderstorms tonight, starting around 6 o'clock..." I stopped filling my cup with ice and ran into the other room. Colby looked shocked as I slid around the corner.

"The fuck did she just say?" Colby laughed.

"Baby, it'll be fine." He said, trying to reassure me.

"What if it's not?" I said crossing my arms.

"But it will."

"But what if..."

"(Y/N), everything is gonna be fine. I promise. I'll hold you and cuddle you all night. If that's what you want, which knowing you, I'm sure it is." He sat up right and patted his lap.

I smiled and and walked over to him, sitting down on his lap. I put my arms around his neck loosely, holding my cup of ice in one hand.

"Everything is going to be ok." He whispered. I pecked him on the lips and gave him a little hug. He tucked his head into the crook of my neck, making my heart melt.


As time went by, I grew more and more anxious. My stress from my YouTube channel was definitely not helping, Colby noticed this. He got us Postmates and we ate as it started to sprinkle outside. We sat at the lower part of the counter as we ate. After we finished eating, I looked at Colby. Tears started to well up in my eyes. A panic attack was near.

"Baby..." Colby whispered. I put my head in my hands. "Come here.." He patted his lap. I looked up and sniffled. He patted his lap again and I got up. I sat down in his lap and set my hands down in my lap. I wanted to look at him, but I was so embarrassed about being afraid of thunder and lightning. "Baby, can you look at me please?" I slowly raised my head. "Thank you. Now I know thunder and lightning gives you really bad anxiety and panic attacks and stuff, but it's nothing to be ashamed of, you can't help it. And I'm right here. Absolutely nothing is gonna hurt you. I promise. And if you start getting flashbacks again, I'll hold you even tighter."

Part of my anxiety about thunderstorms stems from memories I had as a kid. I've always been scared of them, but I remember running under tables and curling up in a ball. I would sob for hours and everyone would try to calm me down but nothing worked. To this day, I would get even more worked up if I had those flashbacks.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and set my chin on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, slightly rubbing his hands up and down my back. After we let out of the hug he grabbed the sides of my face he tipped my head down and kissed my forehead. He then tilted my head up a little and kissed the tip of my nose, making me giggle. He finally pecked me on the lips and I stood up. I took our trash and threw it away as Colby stood up. I walked back over to Colby and he grabbed my hand. He lead me up the stairs to his room.

In the hall, we passed Sam and by the way we were walking upstairs all hand in hand, he definitely thought we were gonna fuck. He didn't say anything and just looked down at the ground awkwardly. I laughed a little and proceeded to Colby's room.

As we got in I closed the door and Colby and I walked over to the bed and we laid down. I laid down next to him on his left side. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I set my hand on the right side of his chest and my head on the left. At first and we played games on his phone. That's until an hour later when I heard the first crash of thunder outside. I winced quietly at the noise and the flash of light coming in from the window. Colby's arm pulled me closer as I tucked my head into his arm. I felt him set his phone down on his stomach and grab my hand. Our fingers slowly intertwined together. I started to tear up because of how scared I was and the flashbacks I had from when I was a kid started to flood back. I grabbed Colby's hand tighter.

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