Big Game

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I sat up in the bleachers at the home coming game. It was exciting for everyone involved. Spectators, marching band members, players, cheerleaders, coaches, and teachers were all anxious to see the outcome. I was living the dream. I got to watch my boyfriend, Colby, the team's quarterback, play. He was really good. The varsity football coach was Colby's dad. He's always put a lot of pressure on Colby to do his best, and I knew it really bothered him and stressed him out all of the time, but all I could do was support him and remind him how great he was. I was sitting in the stands with my girl best friends, Katelyn and Iris. As we were having girl talk, the other team made they're big entrance and then our team made they're even bigger entrance. I looked for Colby but I didn't see him. I then suddenly heard my voice from way below us.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" I looked down to see Colby's best friends, Sam and Brennen, calling for me from on the field. They were right up against the fence separating the field from the bleachers. I ran down the stairs quickly and met them at the fence.

"What's up? Where's Colby?" I asked, looking around.

"Somethings up with him, he's in the locker room and said he's not playing." Sam said, looking worried.

"We already tried to talk to him, but it didn't work. We figured you could help him?" Brennen asked. I nodded my head and quickly ran towards the locker room. As I entered the room, the scent of B.O. consumed my scent, it was disgusting.

"Colby?" I spoke softly after seeing him on a bench, his head down, and his helmet next to him. He looked up quickly.

"You shouldn't be in here right now, you could get in trouble." He put his head back down again. With that, I walked over to him and crouched down in front of him, looking up at his face.

"What's wrong, Colby?" My voice so soft it was almost a whisper.

"It's nothing, (Y/N), I just don't wanna play."

"Colby, you've been excited about this game since before school even started! You love football, sometimes even more than me." I giggled and he let out a small chuckle.

"Not possible, never more than you." He looked at me, his eye contact as well as his reply making me blush. "I do love football, it's just, I don't know, my dad is putting a lot of pressure on me to win this game."

"So, you're afraid he'll be mad if we lose?" All he did was nod his head. "Colby," I sat up on the bench next to him. "I'm sure he won't be mad, and plus, I have faith in you." I put my hand on his shoulder. "I believe in you Colby, more than anyone, you've got this, I know you do. You'll be great regardless of this game's outcome." His gaze changed a little. His eyes had that familiar sparkle that always drives me crazy.

"You know, you mean everything to me, even more than football or this stupid game, right?" He smiles.

"Oh, I know." I joked.

"Smart ass." We both laughed and he stood up, lifting me off of the bench and into his arms. He spun me around like we were in some kind of movie. As he set me down. He left me with a short kiss on the lips.

"You mean everything to me too." I replied to his comment from earlier. He smiled and grabbed his helmet. He made his way to the door and so did I. "Colby." He turned around and looked at me. "Remember you've got this this, I believe in you, and no matter what happens, I'm still be here for you, and so will your dad." With that, he smiled and nodded his head. God he was so cute. He ran out of the locker room and I soon followed. I ran back up to my friends in the stands and they had saved my spot.

"What was that?" Katelyn asked, Iris looked over at me too.

"It was nothing, just giving my boyfriend a little pep talk." I answered.


WE WON! We won the big game thanks to Colby! We were neck and neck with the other team but Colby scored the last touchdown, making us win the game. The team was screaming and celebrating, pouring a whole 5 gallon Gatorade dispenser full of grape Gatorade on the coaches head. My friends and I ran down to a gate that separated the field from the bleachers. I got through the gate and ran onto the field and the team was lifting up Colby, who had already thrown his helmet down on the ground. After they had let him down, he immediately ran over to me. My stinky, sweaty, and happy boyfriend lifted me up by my waist and I wrapped legs around his torso. I held onto him so tight and he buried his head deep into the crook of my neck. We couldn't even say anything, we were just there, in the moment. After about a minute or so he put me down but instantly pulled me in by my waist. With his one hand on my waist and his other on my cheek, he pulled me in for a kiss, a passionate kiss. We never really showed PDA, but I didn't really mind this at all. After we let out of the kiss he looked at me adoringly and said something that he's never said before.

"I love you." I was far beyond shocked. "I've been too afraid to tell you before now, but honestly, I feel on top of the world right now and know this is the right time, I love you, (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N)."

"I love you too, Cole Robert Brock." I said in awe.

"Ha! I got the video!" Iris yelled. I turned and blushed and the fact that Iris had gotten that whole moment that we just had on camera. Colby wrapped one of his arms around me and pulled me into him, kissing my head. I looked up at him adoringly.

"Don't worry about her, we'll look back at it and laugh." He then looked around at his celebrating team. "HEY TEAM, LISTEN UP!" He yelled so that the entire team could hear him. "CELEBRATORY PARTY AT MY PLACE TONIGHT! EVERYONE IS INVITED!" His team cheered and ran towards the locker room. "You're coming too, right?" He asked.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Brock" I replied. He then kissed my head quickly and ran off to the locker room, grabbing his helmet on the way there. His dad stopped him right before he entered the locker room and hugged him. It made me so happy. I was so proud of my boy.

Song of the story: Nothing: Megan Nicole💕🌎

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