The Chase(Request)

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A/N- Heyyy guysss. Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. School was killing me and writers block was hitting me hard. But I'm back now!! This story was requested by @HeyLia_122 so girly, I hope you like this❤️❤️

Note: (Y/F/FF/P) = You're favorite fast food place.

"Hey what's up guys it's Sam and Colby!" Colby said energetically as always.

"And today we are at an abandoned hospital with two very special guests!" Sam piped in.

"Brennen and (Y/N)!" Colby spoke again.

"Hey guys!" I waved at the camera.

"What's up guys?!" Brennen yelled.

"Way to get us caught, dumbass." I spoke sarcastically. Everyone laughed and Colby and Sam continued with the intro.

"Okay getting in here is going to be very difficult and illegal so we aren't gonna film this part." Colby said to the camera. "But we will film once we're inside." He turned off the camera and we all looked at each other.

"Where do we go from here boys?" I asked the group.

"Follow me." Sam said turning around and walking towards the hospital as we all pulled up our masks and followed him. We had to get in through a broken window that we had found while we were scouting for a place to get in before we started the video. In order to get to the window we had to climb a ladder attached to this big box and then go in carefully.

Sam climbed up on the box first, followed by Colby, then me, then Brennen. As I got to the top of the ladder, Colby held his hand out so that I could get up onto the box safely. Colby, still holding onto my hand, pulled me closer to him as Sam and Brennen climbed inside. Colby switched hands so that his right arm was wrapped around my waist and his left hand was holding my right hand. I instinctively threw my left arm around his neck.

"Are you sure you wanna do his baby." He asked softly and caringly.

"Of course I am, I love new adventures, Colby."

"I... I know, but, I don't want you getting hurt." His intense eye contact made me feel like I was on top of the world, but his voice sounded very concerned.

"Well, as long as you keep me close to you, I should be okay." I smirked a little.

"Well then, that shouldn't be a problem." He pulled down both of our face masks and leaned down and kissed me with lust.

"Ahem? Save the sucking faces for later!" We didn't even have to look to know that it was definitely Brennen, my best friend in the whole wide world, except for Colby, but Brennen had introduced us over a year ago. If it weren't for that goofball, Colby and I probably wouldn't have ever met.

Colby and I let go of each other's lips and looked down, laughing bashfully. He let go of me and I walked towards the window, pulling up my mask.

"Ladies first." He gestured towards the window and I climbed in, Colby holding my back making sure I got in safely. Brennen grabbed my hand and helped me the rest of the way through. Colby looked around, pulled up his mask, and entered through the window. I looked to see that Sam was shuffling around his bag to find the camera. I looked at the abandoned hospital room we had came in from and saw the paint chipped walls and an old, rickety gurney. The place had already managed to give me the chills.

"You okay?" I felt Colby's reassuring hand on my shoulder.

I took in a deep breath and replied with, "Yeah, I'm okay." I turned my head and smiled at him. He smiled back and pecked my lips. Then Sam started babbling to the camera so we stopped being all lovely-dovey and walked up behind Sam.

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