Bully; Part 5 (final)

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I walked out to my locker after the last hour of the day. After I made sure I had all of my things, I walked out of the school. I walked towards Colby's car with a huge smile plastered on my face, as usual.

"Hey loser." Colby smiled.

"Colbs.." I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips.

"I have a question."

"I probably have an answer." I giggled and backed up.

"You got anything going on tonight?" He asked.

"No, I don't think so, why?"

"I wanna take you for a drive." I blushed a little. We aren't dating yet, but it's looking good for us. Since the party, nobody fucked with me, and his friends began to get used to me being around. A few even considered me a friend. What Colby had done for me on that fateful day may have just about changed my life for the better.

"Sounds fun. I'm in."

"K, pick you up at 6?"

"Sure." I smiled I kissed his cheek and wandered off to my car. Colby and I have gone on several dates at this point, but we've never just "driven" before. He's taking me somewhere, but just where is he taking me?


Colby😍- B there in 3
(Y/N)🥰- K, see ya

I looked at myself in the mirror to make sure I looked okay. I wore a pair of darker blue jeans, a white t-shirt that was a tiny bit loose, and a thickish gray cardigan. I let the cardigan fall of my one shoulder a little bit. I wore white slip on vans with it as well. I ran downstairs and waited for Colby. My parents had met Colby and they really liked him, surprisingly. This is surprising because he willingly just drove off with me in the car the night of the party. But all was pretty much forgiven when they found out what he did for me in the school parking lot on that day. I kissed them both on the cheek and told them goodbye. I then walked out to my porch. I stood there for about another minute when Colby drove up. I hopped in the car and as soon as I got in and closed the door he handed me a McDonald's bag.

"Shut up." I started laughing. He laughed as well as I looked in the bag to find my favorite food from there. I kissed him on the cheek and he drove off. Every now and then he would say "fry" and I would feed him a fry. We just talked and blared Led Zeppelin, occasionally screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs. We started to pull up to this cliff and Colby turned the music down. The sun was setting, I had food, the perfect guy was sitting in the seat next to me, everything was absolutely perfect.

"Colbs, this is amazing." I looked over at him, seeing that he was already staring at me.

"I know, but not as amazing as you." He smiled as my heart melted.

"You're so cheesy." I giggled and handed him his food. We talked and ate for another hour and half and then Colby got a little quiet. "Colbs, what's up?"

"Nothin, why?"

"Well we've been talking and now you're so quiet, did I say something?"

"No, no, no." He grabbed my hand. "I've just been thinking about something."

"Thinking about what?" We looked deeply into each other's eyes.

"The fact that I want nothing more then for you to be mine." I froze. I was in pure shock at what just been said. We both just smiled before he asked "Will you be mine?" He gave my hand a little squeeze.

"Yours as in.."

"My girlfriend." He cut me off.

"Yes!" I half yelled without hesitation. Since he was still holding onto my hand, I pulled him towards me and kissed him. I would definitely say that in that moment, I was quite possibly the happiest girl in the world. As the kiss intensified, I crawled over into his seat and sat on his lap. We continued to kiss till we had to let go catch our breath. We both grinned at each other and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm really happy." I whispered.

"Me too." He whispered back. I pecked his lips and climbed back into my seat. He started the car and began to drive me home. He set his hand on my thigh as he used the other hand to steer. After about 5 minutes, I fell asleep. I woke up to the feeling of being picked up. Colby picked me up out of the car and carried me towards the house, he didn't know I was awake yet, and I was gonna keep it that way for awhile. I heard him shut the car door with his foot. I then heard the front door of my house open.

I heard my fathers voice say "Is she alright?" Colby shushed him.

"She's just sleeping, she fell asleep on the way home. I can take her up to bed if that's okay with you."

"Sure kid, it seems like you're really taking care of her."

"Mr. (Y/L/N), she means so much to me. I'm sure every guy she brings home says this, but I never wanna hurt her. I care about her way too much." I tired not to smile at his cuteness, I also was wondering how long he would be able to hold my heavy ass for. Like damn boy you must have MUSCLES. A/N: sry idk where that came from lol.

"Well, she hasn't ever brought a guy home, but I'll hold you to that young man." I felt my father kiss the top of my head and I felt Colby walk into the house.

"I'm surprised that she hasn't reeled anyone in, she's absolutely gorgeous, and smart, and hilarious. She also has all of these unique factors about her that just make her, her. I've truly never met anyone like your daughter, Mr. (Y/L/N)."

"You're a good kid Colby, now, take my daughter up to bed, if you will."

"Of course." He walked up the stairs and into my bedroom. He gingerly laid me down and sat next to me. He moved some of the hair out of my face and gently caressed my cheek. "I know you're awake so you can open your eyes now." He whispered. I opened my eyes widely.

"How'd you know?" I giggled.

"I saw that precious smile of yours creeping on your face when I was telling your dad what I liked about you."

"Did you really mean all of that?" I blushed.

"Every word of it." He smirked. He pecked my lips and then gave me a hug. "See you on Monday." He got up from my bed.

"Goodnight Cole."

"Goodnight loser." We both shared a final chuckle before he slipped out the door. Man I was I the luckiest girl to have a guy like him.

Song of the story: Mine: Bazzi💜😁

A/N: I just wanted to give a thank you to everyone who has supported me and my writing. Without all of the votes and reads, I probably wouldn't still be writing this stuff. Thank you for following me during this journey so far, it means a lot. The next chapter is gonna be a cute one so stay tuned! And that's a wrap on "Bully"!!


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