Bully; Part 3

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(A/N): Hello people! I would like to give a special thank you to all of you guys who comment on my imagines. You are all so amazing people who will go out of your way to comment and make this girl smile. Thank you so much😘🙏


I woke up the next morning with a huge smile on my face. Thinking about the night before gave me literal chills. I walked downstairs in baggy sweats and a baggy t-shirt and my hair in a ponytail to get breakfast. As I trampled down the stairs I saw my mom sitting at the table reading a magazine and my dad sitting in the living room watching tv. Both with a coffee in hand.

"Good morning, sweat pea." My dad said with a smile as I walked through the kitchen.

"Morning dad, good morning mom." I grinned and walked over to the coffee machine. I grabbed my usual coffee mug, a pink mug that has two little black eyelashes on it. I threw a K-cup in the Keurig and let my coffee brew. I walked over to the cabinet to grab a bagel. I then went to the fridge and grabbed the cream cheese. I popped the bagel in the toaster and set it to lightly toasted. I grabbed out a butter knife and opened up the cream cheese. At that point, my coffee was finished so I grabbed it and propped my elbows up in the counter, then sipping my coffee.

"So, who were you with last night?" My dad asked.

"My friends Sam and Colby." My bagel then popped out of the toaster, so I turned around to go get it.

"And where and why did you meet them exactly?" My mom asked, looking up from her magazine.

I grabbed a piece of paper towel and set it on the counter. I quickly picked up my bagel out of the toaster and set it down on the paper towel, almost burning my fingers from the heat. "Mom, we went over this last night, I met the boys at school yesterday and we started talking and pretty much immediately became friends."

"(Y/N), yesterday, really? You met them yesterday and suddenly you wanna hang out with them all of the time? You barely even know them!"

"Mom, you act like I'm 5! I'm 17!"

"Okay and? What if something happened to you?"

"Mom, I'm not gonna get raped or kidnapped."

"Your mom does have a point, sweetie.." my Dad chimes in.

"Dad? Really? You too?"

"(Y/N), we don't know these boys." My dad tries to reason with me. But I'm having non of it.

"But I know them, and I trust them, they aren't bad kids."

"How are these kids even your friends? You don't even have any.." my mother stops herself before she can finish her sentence.

"Friends." I finish and she looks down. "I don't have any friends is what you were gonna say right?" She couldn't even look at me. My father even looked away. "I'm aware of my lack of friends and social skills. I just can't believe that the second I do ACTUALLY get friends, you don't support it."

"(Y/N).." My dad tried to speak, but I cut in.

"You know what, I'm just gonna finish my breakfast upstairs." I grabbed my paper towel with my bagel and folded the bagel back together. I grabbed my coffee and marched up to my room and slammed the door. I set down my bagel and coffee and sat down on my bed. I wanted to cry, I wasn't in the mood to even think about partying, and there is no way in hell that my parents would let me go to some party with the boys. As I thought about it more, I had an idea. I grabbed my phone and texted Colby.

(Y/N)🥰- Hey, can you pick me up for the party tonight?
Colby😍- Yeah, is something wrong?
(Y/N)🥰- I'll explain it more later, I'm trying to prove a point to my parents
Colby😍- What point are we proving?
(Y/N)🥰- You'll see😁
Colby😍- Damn you're hot when you're mysterious. Hell, you're always hot.
(Y/N)🥰- Don't get too flirty now😉
Colby😍- I can't help it. I haven't been able to keep you off my mind loser.
(Y/N)🥰- Loser? My new nickname or something?
Colby😍- Yeah, idk, I thought it was kinda funny because of the way they treated you, and the fact that I never joined in, if you don't want me to I won't call you that tho.
(Y/N)🥰- No, I kinda like it, Cole
Colby😍- Oh you're dead
(Y/N)🥰- (Address), pick me up by 8
Colby😍- I'll be there
(Y/N)🥰- Are you going home after the party?
Colby😍- Nah, one of my friends parents are out of town so a bunch of us are staying there so our parents don't know we're drunk, you wanna stay with all of us?
(Y/N)🥰- Sure, is it like just a bunch of dudes?
Colby😍- Ehh, there will prolly be some girls there, idk fs tho. And the house is right down the street from Lizzy's so we don't have to drive.
(Y/N)🥰- Ok cool
Colby😍- Alr, ttyl, cutie😍
(Y/N)🥰- ttyl, COLE😍
Colby😍- 🤬
(Y/N)🥰- 😂

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