And The World Shook

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I had this story on  another account I had but decided to move it here, so some of you may actually recognize it, I'm not sure. Its not really much different from the stories I usually write in the sense that the characters are some times not very likeable and as always I've tried to make them as realistic as possible. 

The air was hot and heavy with dust; living mold burned at her sinuses, causing Jacey to sneeze multiple times. Her head began a painful pounding, right at her right temple, her arms wrapped around her as her back slid down the wall behind her. It was dark inside the basement, but honestly she didn't mind. It was her stomach (which had began to grumble unhappily) and the quickly approaching headache which caused her suffering. Boxes, broken desks, musty stacks of text books, and ancient instruments surrounded her on all sides inside the bowls of Lester Miller Academy High School, all covered in prehistoric dust mites. Huffing quietly in frustration and a spark of self-centered frustration, Jacey looked at the iron doors that blocked her from freedom and from a pop-tart at home that was calling her name. A sigh left her again. Andy - her foster brother was probably eating the last one at that very moment. The girl wouldn't be getting out of there anytime soon, not until someone realized she was missing. Jacey's mood blackened - no one would notice for at least five hours, not until her foster mother got home from work.

Wiping her sweaty palms over her now dirt and dust covered, blue plaid skirt, she raised them and brushed dark brown curls from her face. He could always come back and release her from the hell he had put her in. She wished for a cell phone. Though never had she ever owned a phone before, not even when she had a family of her own. Her mom had always said she was to young and she would have to wait until she was sixteen. Well, now she was seventeen and still, she had no cell phone. Though she was sure if she asked Heather, her foster mother, the woman would get her one, but Jacey always felt weird asking the family that had taken her in when she was eleven years old for anything, especially with the woman already was paying the high tuition for Jacey can go to an overly ritzy school like Lester-Miller.

Glancing down at her old-golden wrist-watch, she winced. She had already been in there for two hours. She tugged at the black and red tie around her neck, loosening it, making breathing easier in the fiery room. Why was he even doing this? Why had from the moment Heather enrolled her into Lester-Miller had ass-hole Blain Tuner made it his duty in life to make her life a living hell? Her friend, May, had said it was because he was a bigoted, racist ass-hole with a small penis and a low IQ. May was funny like that.

Jacey was the only minority in all of Lester-Miller beside Mr. Odd, her science teacher, well, she was half a minority anyway, and Blain did have a habit of saying pretty racist things when he would bump into her in the halls. So, the racist thing could possibly check out. Now, she had no idea if he had a small penis, but May swore he was not in anyway 'packing' according to Tessa Conway, one of his many ex-girlfriends, but everyone at Lest-Miller knew for a fact that Tessa was a liar and a kleptomaniac... As for him having a low IQ, he was second at the top of their class; behind her, so she honestly doubted he was dumb. Instead, Jacey, being who she was, always forgiving, and always understanding - her mother had said it would be her downfall if she wasn't careful - decided he was simply jealous of her academic track record and was upset about always coming up second fiddle to someone he viewed as an outsider. Plus, she was pretty sure he had a stressful home life, if the rumors of his mother sleeping the Principle Tompkins were true. Also rumors about his dad...

Jacey shook her head, ridding herself of the thoughts, she hated gossiping about others, even if she was the only one around to take part in said gossiping. Besides, his home life and petty jealously weren't excuses for being a bully. She understood him in a way, but that hardly meant she would put up with it anymore. Her dark brows furrowed. Isn't that exactly what's been going on for six years? She had been putting up with his snide remarks and stupid pranks for six years and now she was fed up with it.

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