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When Blain woke up again his gaze landed first on the lamp before quickly darting around him-landing on the ceiling before finally locking on Jacey. His face was white and wet, his blue eyes unclear, but focused unlike when he had awoken an hour ago.

Jacey sat next to him, her blanket wrapped around her shoulders, back hunched. She bit her lip and watched him intently, waiting. She was sure he would faint again but he never did. Instead he continued staring at her, blinking slowing as if he hadn't fully awakened yet.

His breathing was now even instead of the frightening wheezing he had been doing earlier. She actually looked away first, her hand rubbing against her face. The girl was finally starting to feel exhaustion. She had attempted rest after returning from her scouting last night but had been unable to stay still long enough fall into a deep asleep.

Jacey watched as Blain shifted. He turned his head, blue gaze landing on his splintered arm peeking out from underneath his blanket. He grimaced. Being unable to sleep, she had already checked his wound and also changed his bandages. His wound wasn't healing, but it had only been a couple of hours, but there was still no infection. His gaze once again lifted and settled on her, blue eyes void of emotion.

Uneasy, Jacey wiped a few crumbs from her mouth from her meal and set her bag of cheesy puffs down beside her. "I brought you a coat," Her hands lifted Mr. Arnold's grey coat which was resting over her folded legs. "I found a lantern and I'm going to search for a way into the cafeteria's kitchen in a little bit..."

"I'm hungry," he blurted voice weak but oddly accusing. "Why are you just now checking the cafeteria?"

Jacey's face went blank. She wished she could have been surprised by his behavior. "I dunno... taking care of you takes up a lot of time."

His face went blank and she found herself satisfied by it, that victory. A long stretch of silence wiggled between them, awkward and cold like the air. It was obvious he had a problem with her being the one to help him.

He began to struggle, trying to sit up which wasn't easy after laying still for so long. She only watched, he would lash out if she told him it wasn't a good idea.

"Would you help me up?" Blain suddenly snapped, brown hair sticking to his face with sweat, "Instead of staring like a fluffy haired bird?" She blinked. His insults lacked his normal amount of nastiness. His arm must hurt a lot. "Why are you smiling like that?" He came to a stop in his struggles, panting quietly and staring at her suspiciously.

She touched her face, not even realizing she had been smiling. She found herself still in a good mood because of her lantern success and decided she would humor him. She helped him up, propping him against a locker. She watched him pant and sweat, gripping his arm. She worried about him sweating in the cold air.

She turned away from him as he gathered his bearings and picked up a full water bottle and handed it over. Blain snatched it out of her hands. Ignoring him, she folded his blanket over him. She could feel his gaze on her as she worked. Shifting through her pile of junk food and locker steals, she handed him a bag of chips.

He continued watching her after he had set the water bottle next to him and yanked open the bag and shoved a handful of chips into his mouth. She only settled across from him, her legs underneath her and wrapped her blanket back around her shoulders.

"Why are you helping me?" He blurted, voice insanely loud in the quiet. "Why didn't you leave me in there?" He nodded at the basement's rubble covered opening.

Jacey raised an eyebrow. "I don't think I understand your question," she admitted. "I was suppose to leave you in there when I could have gotten you out?"

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