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A search through the basement floor's supply closet yielded results, more then she could have hoped for. She found a long piece of black metal which she was pretty sure was a locker opener and a flashlight. Her green blanket was still firmly around her shoulders.

After clicking the long silver flashlight on, Jacey beat it against her open palm before the yellow light actually sputtered on. She clicked it back off and shoved it in her pocket before once again picking up her lamp and locker opener. She exited out of the closet and stood before Blain only a few seconds later.

He looked better now. His skin was no longer as pale as slowly color was beginning to return to his flesh. He was more alert and looked warmer in his new coat. "I have to check on your arm now." She told him, settling the lamp down next to him and pulling her black bag which held all of her medical supplies nearer.

Being who he is, Blain only continued reading the back of a chip bag, ignoring her. She wondered how he was reading it before her return with the lantern. She wanted nothing more then to call him out on it, but thought better of it. He hadn't even uttered a word in her direction sine their 'argument' yesterday.

Instead, she carefully removed his splint and bandages before wiping her hands with one of her many sanitation napkins and brought her lamp up and studied his arm. After nothing alarming stood out to her about the wound she began to wrap it in fresh bandages after quickly cleaning the wound. His arm's swelling had gone way down and his arm wasn't as bruised as before. "How does it feel?"

"Dandy..." He blurted out with a tight grin which slowly faded into a look of bitter disdain. "How do you think it feels?" He gritted out through clenched lips. Jacey pretended not to see the tears swimming in his grey-blue eyes.

"I guess pretty bad," she answered ignoring the fact that his question had been rhetorical. "I found a flashlight."

"Congratulations," he offered sarcastically. His breath escaped his lips in tuffs of white air. It was getting colder and soon blankets wouldn't be enough to keep warm. She bit her lip. Her stomach ached with hunger and worry.

"Meaning," she began, "you won't have to sit in darkness while I'm upstairs. You can hold on to the lamp and I'll handle the flashlight. I'm going to search the cafeteria now. I shouldn't be gone for more then a couple of hours." She finished her work on his arm and stared at it for a few seconds before climbing onto her feet and sliding her blanket off her shoulders. She tossed it over him as he began to settle himself back onto the floor, looking as if he was going to go to sleep. He glared at her after it had hit him in the face.

She grabbed another book bag she had found in a locker and slung it over her shoulder.

"It's still snowing isn't it?" He folded his now empty chip bag in half before tucking it underneath him.

Her movements stalled, surprised Blain had actually said anything. She looked back at him. Although he looked better, his face was still becoming thin from little food and his blue eyes looked dark in the harsh lamp light.

"Yeah, but yesterday I think it had actually slacked up a little." The wind hadn't been as harsh anyway. "I'll be back in a couple of hours."

She walked away, pulling her flashlight out of her pocket and pressed its button before hitting her hand against its side. A yellow stream of light appeared before her, lightening the hall.


Jacey's shoulders smarted and whined about the amount of pressure being put on them as she tried working the cafeteria's kitchen door open. Jacey paused in her actions, stretching out her numb fingers and breathing in cold air. Her side ached.

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