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Despite the haunting calls the night before, Jacey slept undisturbed. A deep, resting sleep which left her feeling refreshed but achy when she woke. She was surprised when she found Blain now sitting in the car's driver seat instead of in the back.

Rubbing her left eye, Jacey sat up fully, bones popping in protest. Blain glanced back at her, sticking a stripped white and red candy into his mouth.

"Car doesn't have any gas, must be why it was left behind," he unhappily said, voice tired.

Having nothing to say about that, the girl simply sniffed and leaned into the car's window. "Any idea what time it is?"

"Some time in the morning," he said. "Its getting pretty warm in here, though."

She had noticed. Sweat had already began dripping down her neck and down her back. Soon it would be too hot to stay in the car. It already was, actually. She reached for the backdoor handle and pushed it open, dangling her legs out of it.

"You get enough sleep?" She asked, attention settling on the green trees and bushes all around. It was strange to see all of the greens and browns after only seeing white for so long.

"My arm hurts like hell," he lied about his arm situation, "lets say I kept watch instead."

Jacey instantly felt bad upon hearing that. Maneuvering herself around, she pulled her legs back into the car. "Do you want to try finding someone? Find... help... We can find someone who can take a look at your arm. "

"Well," a hard piece of candy smacked against her cheek and fell into her lap, "Its not as if we can stay here forever." Jacey wasted no time unwrapping the candy and shoving into her mouth.

"Are you going to start being a sarcastic ass-hole again?" Jacey asked around her candy with a sigh, her green eyes focused on a tiny black ant climbing slowly up the cloth portion of the open car door.

"When did I stop?" He questioned, flipping the passenger's side visor down. His blue eyes locked with her green ones in the visor mirror's reflection. His lips pressed into one another. "Its how I am, Bird, Its... how I am." He looked away first.

The girl behind him suddenly grinned and leaned forward, and poked him in the back. "Are you admitting you're an ass-hole, Blain?"

The boy grumbled, slamming the visor shut. "We'll leave in about an hour, which will give us plenty of sunlight to find help."

Jacey nodded and sat back, pulling her legs against her, sucking lightly on her candy. Blain climbed out of the car and stood beside it, frowning at the empty road. After awhile, the girl grew tired of watching him do nothing and leaned back into the warm seat beside her, both eyes falling shut. A warm breeze blew in through the open car door.

All of it felt as if it all had been a dream. She was much to warm now to ever believe there was nights she could have frozen to death. As she fell further and further into a conscious, unconscious state, her mind began to wonder. Both eyes flung open when a flash of a formless black body flashed behind her lids and she felt the car shake.

Quickly spinning around, her wide eyes locked on Blain who had lifted up the car's back door. Her heart thudded against her rib cage. The brown haired boy didn't notice, too focused on searching the back. A minute later he held up a crowbar and looked up at her.

"Lets go," he told her.

Jacey swallowed dryly and nodded numbly. She wrapped her coat around her waist, tying the arm securely. She hopped out of the car and slammed its door shut behind her. Her stomach twisted with hunger.

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