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When Blain woke up, his breath was stolen from him when he accidently jolted his arm, causing pain to shoot through his arm. A quiet hiss escaped his lips and he quickly sucked in a lung full of freezing air.

He blinked, blue eyes sluggish and hazy. Darkness was all around him, but the ceiling tiles glowed blue with artificial light. His mind was miles behind his body and was having a difficult time catching up. He could barely keep his heavy eye lids open but fought of the haze of exhaustion surrounding him. Something was right and he wouldn't allow himself to lose consciousness without figuring out what. He had what felt like a scratchy blanket on top of him and maybe even underneath him, but he was still cold. His lips felt numb.

Hearing movement, he turned his head, his achy neck protesting such movements. Although he was more then confused, for whatever reason, he was not at all surprised when he found Jacey bent over him, a green blanket wrapped around her shoulders, eyes wide and shining, mop of curly hair a mess surrounding her oddly paled face. His phone was sat on the floor between them being used as light. He quickly looked away from her, not at all liking the amount of fear he could see in her face. He was sure he wouldn't want to find out what had her so afraid.

He had been tormenting her for years, pranks and harsh insults. He was powerful in his school, he could make anyone a social outcast if he wanted, he also could have a few teachers fired if he wanted, but this girl, Jacey, she had never been afraid of him - angry and frustrated, yes. So he wasn't excited about finding out what had Jacey Smith afraid.

"What are you gawking at?" He wondered sometimes if his mouth and brain were even connected, he was not going to say anything like that but it came out anyway. His voice was low and scratchy and weak. He was really careful not to move the arm which was burning hot with pain. "What happened..." He bit his lip, stopping a moan of pain from escaping, "What's going on?"

He could hear her fumble around and scoot closer. For whatever reason he could smell yams, which twisted his stomach with hunger and disgust. "You... You're awake." He wanted nothing more than to call her out for pointing out the obvious, but couldn't bring himself to speak. "I... I wrapped your arm and cleaned your wound as best as I could. I have to change your bandages soon."

Oh yeah... his arm. Although he was well aware of the agony in his arm he hadn't actually thought about why it hurt. Now he could remember his arm underneath a heavy piece of rubble and pain. He also recalled Jacey pushing it off him.

"Let me look at it," Blain demanded. "I want to see my arm."

He expected an argument for whatever reason, but instead, he felt cool air rush into his semi-warm cocoon as Jacey pulled his blanket back and shinned light onto his wounded appendage.

It was wrapped up in white bandages and propped up on a balled up blanket. He could only stare at the blood soaked bandages, feeling light-headedness swimming his vision. "Have you... set... it yet?" The way his arm was bent, he was sure that hadn't happened yet.

"No," she answered. "I was waiting... I'm not very sure how to do it." He heard something clattering along the floor, "I found some wood I could use as a splint though."

"Why haven't you found help? Why haven't you been using by phone to call for help instead of as a lamp?" He asked harshly, mostly because he already could figure out the answer and he hated it. There was anyone around who could help. His phone was probably signal-less. He forced his weak gaze to her and wasn't at all surprised when she merely frowned at him.

"You've been out for nearly four days, its been snowing the whole time. The electricity is out and your phone has no signal. Your battery is almost out, only a little left now. I've been trying to conserve energy but... Anyway, no one... is around."

It was snowing? That bit of news was more then confusing, but a jolt of pain coming from his broken arm had him gasping for air and biting back a scream, forgetting all about the news for now. Hot tears burned behind both eyes and he fought to hold all of them back.

"You should set it now," Blain said, not even sure why he had said it. "All you do is pop it into place." If only it was so simple.

"Yeah," Jacey quietly said, "Its probably a good idea to do that now." Her fingers brushed across his arm and he nearly cried out again as she began to slowly remove his bandages. He bit his lip and balled his good hand into a tight fist, hitting it weakly against the blanket covered floor. "Stop," she ordered, "you're only making it worse."

He hissed in pain, "shut up."

Instead of responding, she merely removed all of his bandages. He could see her out of the corner of his eye blankly staring at his arm. His good fingers began to twitch in annoyance and anticipation. He glanced at her.

"Hurry... up..." He was freezing but his arm was uncomfortably warm.

"I think you should eat a little first." He groaned as he heard her fumbling around again. A second later a partially unwrapped bar of chocolate was dangled in front of his face. "It was all I could find."

He growled in frustration and leaned away from the offered food. "Do it already, Smith. I don't want to eat that." He felt a little whinny as he turned his head away, "Just hurry up."

"I'm not going to do anything until you eat." Her words were quiet but also strong. She wasn't going to back down from this and he hadn't the energy needed for an argument.

"Why do you have to be freaking pain in the ass?" He whispered weakly. He accepted his meal with his good hand. Blain dry swallowed, he could really go for some water. His fingers felt numb as he held onto the frozen chocolate bar and brought it to his lips, nibbling on the corner. A second later he came to a sudden realization about how hungry he was and how empty his stomach felt. He began eating the bar with a spike of sudden energy, only Jacey's freezing cold hand landed on top of his, halting his frenzy. He almost bit her. He glared at the girl's light brown hand on top of his pale one, before meeting her eyes. "What in the hell?" He asked weakly. He found himself licking at the chocolate around his mouth. "What are you doing? I'm going to bite you in two seconds."

She hardly seemed fazed by his words. Although, she had adopted her freaky stare, which never failed in making a chill race up his spine. Now, in the blue glow of his phone and darkness surrounding them, he was found himself feeling afraid. He blamed it on his mind being hazed over by pain.

"You haven't eaten in a couple of days... You have to eat at a slower pace for now."

He weakly shook her hand off his before taking a large bite of the chocolate bar and began chewing on it at an exaggerated slow speed as he glared at her. Her face twisted into an annoyed scowl, like he thought it would, before the girl backed away from him mumbling something about him being 'immature'.

He actually did slow down, mostly because he was dreading what was going to come next. But too soon the bar was gone, the empty wrapper falling from his fingers as he licked at them. She waited patiently at his side, her legs hugged against her, her blanket once again over her shoulders.

"Water..." He asked for, hoping to stall and because he was more then a little thirsty. He was surprised at how quickly she had a half-empty bottle of water dangled in front of his face.

"I found a couple of bottles in the lockers I could open. I hope their previous owners didn't have anything." She laughed at her own joke. Blain didn't bother, Jacey was never very good at telling jokes. He took her offered bottle and downed it in seconds. He felt ill, he was still hungry and his arm was nauseating him. "Are you ready?" She asked a second after she had finished laughing. He only shrugged, not wanting to lie and say yes.

She took his silence and shrug as a go ahead. He cried out as she lifted his arm off the balled up blanket and whispered out apologies. "You should bit on this," Jacey said. She handed him a blanket. As panic began to climb up inside of him he bit into blanket, wanting to stop himself from changing his mind and sounding like a wimp. He heard her moving around and whispering quietly.

"You can do this, girl..." He heard her say, "He'll be alright. You'll be alright. You both will be alright."

His stomach lurched when her fingers grasped his arm and he quickly spit out the blanket as a scream lifted up out of him, as she, with all her might and power, pushed and pulled his bone back into place. It was an indescribable amount of pain and soon he was unable to handle it and lost consciousness and welcomed it.

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