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She woke up not because of his screaming but because of the odd shift in the air. She bolted up right though when she heard Blain screaming her name. Quickly she climbed onto her feet and stumbled out of the office in time to see Blain enter. His hair was wild, and his blue eyes were wide with fear. She had never seen anyone that afraid before.

And it wasn't until he quickly shut the office's glass door did she catch sight of what had him so frightened. It was shapeless and black, impossible to describe besides saying a shapeless black dot about the length of a grown man and as wide as a blackboard.

It took a while for all of herself to connect, but with a harsh shiver she came to a slow realization that the thing was... laughing. A high pitched unhuman giggle, it was like a million different types of giggles from a million young children. It was so loud she wondered why she hadn't heard it before then.

It hit the glass door and shattered it as if it was nothing, forcing Blain to throw anything he could find at the creature, nothing worked as its laughter bounced off the walls. Jacey could on stare in horror.

It wasn't until Blain took hold of the bucket full of fire and lugged it at the giggling creature had a result been created. As flames hit it, it yowled horribly in pain and reared back, its black body rippled with spasms. A stack of paper she had left on the floor quickly began to burn, seeming to scare the creature, halting its movements forward. It yowled loudly and reached out a black, arm? Limb? She had no idea what it was, but it was grotesque, unnatural. It attempted to bat the fire away but only ended up hurting itself, giving up and simply lingering by on the other side of the flame, trying to find a way around it.

Blain stood frozen, a stapler held up in his good hand, ready to launch it at the creature. Then his body unfroze and he turned, moving towards Jacey pushing her back into the office quickly. "Go...go...go..." He chanted.

Jacey body shook, but not from cold as Blain slammed shut the office's door before quickly brushing by her. "What in the heck? What was..." She breathed shakily, unsure if she had seen what it was she had seen. Blain ignored her and quickly moved around Mr.Arnold's desk and awkwardly picked up a computer chair from behind it with one hand.

Jacey flinched when Blain began to hit the chair against the glass window and loudly cried out in pain as it bounced off. His pain hardly stopped him from picking up the chair and swinging it around again, harder now. Glass shattered loudly once the window had splintered before completely breaking allowing in a stream of freezing air.

"Get the bags," Blain ordered dropping the chair.

It wasn't until another shrill yowl seeped underneath the office's door did Jacey move. On numb legs she tripped over blankets and food bags, lifting one of their bags and sliding her arms in through the black straps.

Blain had began hitting away the left over glass stubbornly clinging to the window with the once forgotten locker opener. Once he was finished he grabbed another bag and quickly motioned her out of the window.

The blizzard had pushed several inches of snow against the high school but had also pushed most of it beyond it as well. But it was still deep. Jacey found herself instantly sinking to a little above her foreleg. She tried pulling her legs out, only for both to sink once again.

"Some help would be nice," Blain's voice had her quickly spinning around. He was struggling to pull himself out of the window without cutting himself on the glass. She quickly reached one of her hands out, taking his and pulled him. "That thing is going to follow us, we have to move now." He urged once he was out and both were out and in the winter wonderland.

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