Be Still

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They say your life flashes before your eyes when you're going to die. Well, Jacey would have to respectfully disagree. There's only darkness, oppressive and utter darkness. It was almost as if she were floating, unable to grasp anything, not a floor, a wall, not even a complete thought. Though she found herself having thoughts, none of them made much sense, none of them meant anything after she thought them and were forgotten when the next thought came.

It was odd, because the girl felt as if she was having a conversation with someone who reminded her frighteningly of her mother, but that couldn't be, because it made absolutely no sense. The only actual thought the girl remembered having was of the 'voice' had been telling her she was suppose to wake up, right before it happened.

She woke up.

It was still dark when she blinked heavy eye lids open and a pained gasp wiggled between her lips as she came to. Pain raced up and down her body, hot and achy. Something sharp and heavy dug into her side and she tasted blood on her lips. Something dripped on her cheek and raced down face. It was icy, like cold water.

She blinked and slowly moved her head, her head was all she could move. It was a slow process and hurt as a headache assaulted her. Dust clung to the inside of her nose and burned her insides. She could smell something metallic and something foul she couldn't quite name.

What happened?

She moaned in pain as she tried remembering how she had gotten into such a situation, fighting the haze and pain cloaking her mind. Blain... She could remember his angered face when she told him she wouldn't flunk a test for him and his hatred and disgust, then she could remember him falling on his way out... before the world shook...

Unease quickly made itself comfortable in her gut. Was it an earthquake? That was it. There had been an earthquake and Lester-Miller had fallen and now she was trapped underneath its rubble.

The woozy girl made an attempt to sit up, only for light-headiness to enclose around her and vomit to burn her insides. A low whine escaped her as whatever was pressing into her side escaped with a wet noise which reminded her of when she would slurp up a drink. Her hand instantly went to her side, fingers become quickly slick with blood. She whimpered as she blinked and hot tears raced down her numb cheeks. Her body shivered and her dark world began to tilt as she forced herself up with the help of a slab of something hard and stone like a few inches from her body. She could feel a bitter breeze hitting her face from directly in front of her, she could hear wind whistling between the cracks.

How long had it been? She wondered, pressing her hand as hard as she would dare against her wound. She hoped she wasn't bleeding out. If there was an earthquake, they're could be a rescue effort if Lester-Miller had actually collapsed. But then Jacey realized with a growing sick feeling, it had been after school hours when Blain had locked her inside the basement, meaning no one was actually expected to still be in school; so no one would come looking to rescue anyone from a place that was suppose to be empty. Blain had screwed her over once again.

She hadn't the energy to be angry, she needed all her energy spent on attempts to find a way out the broken remains of Lester-Miller. She groaned as she forced her left hand above her, fingers brushing across a slab of stone and rock not far above her head. She tried not thinking about how close it was and instead moved her hand out to her side, biting back a wince of pain. Her fingers brushed stone and gritty tile. A wince escaped her as her index finger was cut on jagged rock, her hands quickly came to her body again. After a quick breath to calm herself, Jacey lifted her left hand again and began moving it around, driven by wanting nothing but wanting to find a way out. There could be another cave-in and she honestly doubted her luck would hold on a next time.

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