Zac's Beach House

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This story is a SEQUAL to BEHIND THE LIGHTS. Do read that first before you proceed with this book or  it wouldn't make sense

Additional Characters

Selena Gomez as Dr Sarah Parker

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Selena Gomez as Dr Sarah Parker

Selena Gomez as Dr Sarah Parker

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Jason Derulo as Andre Rane

5 years ago

Alicia parks her car at the parking spot 10 feet away from the gym her boyfriend Jason usually trains at. Jason's been extremely busy training the past few days and hasn't had the time to have dinner with her. Dinner has always been something they did together since during the day she's usually at University having classes or working on assignments and he's always training morning till night, dinner time is the only time they get to be together.

Jason and Alicia use to spend a lot of time together during their teen years because Chase Damon, a world-renown boxer who spotted Jason's potential in boxing, also the one who believed in him and pushed him to use his anger and frustration into a sport that got him to where he is today, happen to also be a single dad to his one and only daughter Alicia and somehow after the sudden heart attack that hit Chase Damon in the rink during a fight causing him his life, his death brought the two grieving people Jason and Alicia together and before they realized it, Jason and Alicia were in love. "I promise to take care of you Alicia even if my life depended on it," Jason told her that night at the hospital.

Glad she found a parking spot right where she wanted, she proceeds to heed on inside to surprise him. "his training should be done by now I hope." she thinks to herself as she walks in, she notices him in the rink taking punches at his coach. So not wanting to distract him, she takes a seat at one of the many chairs facing the rink. From the corner of his eyes, he notices her and annoyance course through him, he's told her many times not to show up at his training cause he hates mixing work and personal life, therefore, her presence there got him all worked up. "can we take 5." he asks his coach who notices Alicia too and gives Jason a nod. "alright, go ahead" he says.

Jason takes his gloves off handing it to Ramirez his little assistant at the gym as he makes his way to Alicia, she stands up from her seat with a huge smile on her face but instead of being greeted with a smile, he drags her by the forearm to the back near the exit. "How many times have I told you not to show up here?" he questions, clearly irritated. "Ouch! Jason, that hurts." She squirms. "I just wanted to come and see you, we haven't had dinner together in days," she says equally as irritated by his response. "I thought you'd be happy to see me," she says gently caressing his arm. "I'd be happy if you'd simply learned to listen to me." He says. Alicia nods realizing she probably should have done as she was told and not come here distracting him. "Okay, I'm sorry," she says looking down. "Hey.." he takes her chin in-between his fingers, tilting her head to look up at him. "You know that I love you right?" he asks her. "Of course I do." she smiles at him. Her smile didn't necessarily meet her eyes and Jason knew, but he also knew how to fix that later. He places a kiss on her lips and she ends up leaving.

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