The Wendy William's Show

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Every person has their own set of weakness and sometimes the most powerful people may just be the easiest to crack. If you stick around longer, you'll see.

*One Week Ago*

Jason's POV

She's been gone for 3 days. My rock, my angle, the very person who helps me breathe, gone just like that. The way she looked at me that night was enough for me to know, this time won't be as easy for me to win her back.

I throw the bottle of Bourbon against the wall and it hits the wall shattering to the grown. The pieces of glass on the wooden floor reminded me of the condition of my heart right now.

I lay on the ground and begin crying, wailing like a child in pain. She left me, she really left me. Through my tear-filled eyes, I notice a silhouette of a person walking towards me and by the shape of it, I could tell it was Jessica. "Je...Jess?" I whisper harshly in disbelief as I watch her come closer.

The closer she got the clearer she became. She kneels down in front of me smiling and I quickly get up mirroring her position as I reach out to touch her face and I could feel her familiar soft skin against my palm. "Jess.... is this really you?" I ask still in disbelief and she nods still smiling at me.

Oh my god, my angle, she came back. She actually came back. "Oh Jess, you have no idea how much I missed you." I cry still holding her face in both my hands and staring into her eyes, afraid she might disappear.

"You hurt me, Jason." She says sadly, as her smile fades away.

"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't mean to. I..I'm a mess and I need you, Jess." I tell her.

"How can I be with you when you hurt me, Jason?" She asks

"You have to trust that I love you, Jess, I really really need you. I can't go on without you baby just look at me..... I'm a weak man. You make me strong" I tell her, I wanted her to know that that's the truth.

"I'm sorry Jason..... I can't." She says, removing my hands from her face and standing up.

"What?! No no no no, please. Jess, you can't leave me again." I stand up as well to reach out to her but she disappears into thin air. What?! That wasn't real? "JESSICA!!!" I yell at the top of my voice, hoping she'd come back. "JESSICA!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!" I yell around the room like a crazy person. wanting her to reappear at least one more time. "Jess please... come back" I'm on my knees again wailing.

"Please... you promised you'd never leave me. Why did you lie." I feel my emotions turning to rage.

She promised me she'd never leave me and she'd always be there for me. I make one stupid mistake and she leaves me just like that?

"YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVED ME!!!! WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME!!! I MADE ONE F***ING MISTAKE JESS!!!! IT WAS ONE MISTAKE DAMMIT!!" I yell throwing all the bottle of liquor from the table to the ground as it shatters one by one.

I squeeze my hands into a fist as I mentally begin contemplating what to do next. I've already tried looking for her in all the places she could possibly be but couldn't find her. I tried finding that Zac guy, knowing he's the first person she'd go to but he was nowhere to be found either which mean, I need to call in the big guns.

Present Day ~

I managed to find out where Jess is, thanks to the guys I hired but what sucks is, she's staying in some house up in Malibu that belongs to Zac and she's protected 24/7 by some bodyguards. Is she really that afraid of me? Well, I did almost kill her, but it was an accident.

Why doesn't she seem to see that it was a mistake? She has the habit of pushing me to my limits and then when I react, I'm the bad guy.

For now, the best I can do is watch her from afar, until I can come up with a proper plan to meet her. I need to talk to her, she has to forgive me. And she's coming home with me.

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