Who the hell is Alicia?

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Jessica's POV

This cannot be happening. No! I thought this was over and he would never be able to come near me anymore. I swallow my saliva as I try to think of a next move instead of moving impulsively. I bet he still thinks I'm sleeping.

"I know you're awake princess." He says in a deep voice and I lose every ounce of hope. I feel tears beginning to form in my eyes. This guy is way bigger than me, I have no security outside the room. Even if I did try to fight him, I'd lose. He tried to kill me before. Nothing is gonna stop him now. I had to think smart. I was terrified for my life, I wasn't ready to die yet.

"What are you doing?" I whisper in fear.

"Shhhh" He responds as his hand begins to travel in between my thighs. My immediate reflex was to grab his traveling hand to stop him from moving any further.

"Haven't you hurt me enough?" I ask him with pain in my voice. I don't understand how he could go from loving me so much to doing this. I get that he's a sociopath, I realize that now, but did he not have any feeling of guilt for what he's doing and has done to me?

"Heh, I'm just getting started sweetheart." He says from behind me, with such evil in his voice. That was it! I had to fight. My immediate instincts were to get out of the bed immediately but his huge arm grabs me, slamming me back into the bed as he gets on top of me, pinning me down.

"Why are you doing this Jason?" I cry out, fear audible in my voice.

"I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago." He says sinisterly as he crashes his lips into mine. I push his face away as hard as I could but his fat head wouldn't budge instead he forcefully slid his tongue into my mouth and so I did the next thing I could think of and I bite his tongue hard. He immediately pulls away, slapping me hard in the face I thought I was seeing stars.

"You F***ing bit me?" He says through gritted teeth. His tongue was now bleeding cause that was how hard I had bitten him.

"Jason if you leave now I promise I will not tell anybody what happened. Please just leave." I begged, looking up at him who's still on top of me as my tears begin oozing out. He stops for a while and stares at me like I was stupid. "If you kill me, you'll go to jail?" I continue when he doesn't say anything.

"Heh, you really have no idea what I'm capable of are you?" He says, getting off me and sitting at the side of the bed, staring me deep in the eye. "Jessica, I kill people... I've done it tons of time and I'm not afraid to do it again." He says so calmly, I thought I was gonna be sick. I genuinely felt my dinner rising up in my throat. Everybody was right. This guy is a freaking psycho.

"B..but you said you loved me." I try to rationalize.

"I do... a hundred percent, which is why I'm fighting for us, baby." He says, gripping the side of my face, he crashes his lips into mine again, forcing an entry I will not give. I could taste the blood from his mouth and it made me sick.

"If you love me you'd let me be happy Jason, you'd let me go," I say into his lips and his grip around my face tighten. Causing me to flinch

"Oh trust me, baby, the only way I'm ever letting you go is like Alicia." He says. Looking into my eyes and smiling creepily. Alicia? Who the hell is Alicia? I've never heard that name before.

"who the hell's Alicia?" I ask confused. He pulls away from me a little and turns to stare at the wall as if he was looking back in time.

"The girl I loved before you. She was one of the most beautiful girls I ever laid eyes on but turned out to be nothing but a whore. Kind of like you, but you'd never do what she did." He says, looking at me and it was then that I realized. I was dating a real sociopath from the start and today was the day I would probably die. He told me he had never had a girlfriend before and didn't know how to do relationships. He lied. He's been lying from the very start and I was the idiot who believed every damn thing. I felt so sick, there was a chance, I would throw up, any minute now.

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