I remember everything

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Jessica's POV

"You know, you had me really worried Jessica. I mean, I dropped you back and never heard from you after that. I thought something had happened." Andre says, in frustration. I dropped by his firm to see him and let him know that everything is fine. After Andre dropped me that night, I had rushed off straight to the hospital and with the whole blood transmission thing, I completely forgot  to tell Andre what was going on.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't meant to." I say, walking around his massive office desk and over to his chair, propping myself on his lap. "I got really distracted when the police called me and it was a life and death situation with Zac you know." I tell him, as I lean into him and begin fidgeting with the tie around his neck, hopping this gesture might assure him that I still cared about him. While on the inside, I'm spiraling with confusion. I don't even know what I feel anymore.

"Why are you on his emergency contact though? You guys aren't together." Andre questions, with a frown on his face. Gosh! I didn't think about that.

"Well... Ummm... Zac and I have been friends for a really long time and he doesn't have family here in LA, so I was his next option I guess." I tell him. Clearly, this piece of information was extremely unsettling for him cause he immediately tries to move me away from him so he can look at me in a more serious position. I sit on his desk in front of him while he leans back into his chair, observing me for a minute.

"Is he on your emergency contact list too?" Andre asks me.

"What? No!.. it's my sister and Jason, which I should remove pretty soon." I say, he continues to look at me as if he was trying to figure out something. It made me feel a little small and inferior to him for some reason but I tried to maintain an extremely calm demeanor. His eyes suddenly locks in on my forearm.

"What's that?" He asks, taking my arm in his hand. I look down to see the slight swelling from the blood transfusion last night. I could come up with a lie but Andre's a lawyer, he'd see right through me. So I decide on just being honest.

"Umm... well... Zac was attacked by someone last night. Someone stabbed him at the gas station." I say. Maybe if he knows how serious it was, he'd understand.

"Oh shit! Did they find out who?" He asks, oh thank god, the diversion worked.

"No they're still investigating. But he was in an extremely critical situation. He had lost a lot of blood." I tell him more about the situation.

"So you donated blood to him?" He asks in disgust. I thought he'd be understanding about it.

"I didn't really have a choice! It was life and death." I try to make him understand. He gets up from his seat and moves towards the window, leaning against it, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You always have a choice Jessica. You could have let his family handle it." He tells me and now I'm pissed.

"His family is all the way in England! You expect me to leave him there to die? Because his family won't make it in time, that's for sure." I say, walking up to him. He shakes his head as he glances out the window.

"You're always gonna have some type of tie to him." He says in defeat.

"He's my friend Andre." I tell him, as I slowly caress his arm.

"He's your friend who's obviously in love with you and now he has your blood running through his veins. You're the reason he's still breathing. I cant compete with that." Andre tells me. And he's absolutely right. "I hate coming second. You ran to him the minute they call and you completely forgot to update me. You gave him blood dammit and didn't even think to tell me. You're my girlfriend Jessica." He tells me. His words pierced my heart, making me feel guilty. I dragged this innocent man into my life and I can't give him what he wants.

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