I'm Numb

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Zac's POV

"I still love him Zac.," she said to me. I've been replaying those words in my mind, over and over again. I don't understand, I'm extremely confused and frustrated with her. I don't get how after he treated her like trash, and tried to choke her to death, she's still in love with him. What kind of Voodoo did he do on her? I know its ridiculous for me to lock her up in the room like that but when she told me, she still had intentions to see him again after what happened, I freaked out. I didn't know what else to do.

She's being crazy and she just doesn't know it yet. You don't go up to your attempted murderer and have a conversation with him, you call the cops and have him locked up. I really want to protect her but its starting to feel like an impossible task because of how stubborn and hard her head is.

All the screaming and shouting she was doing earlier had finally ceased and I'm guessing she grew tired and gave up. Knowing Jess, there is no way she'd try to climb down the balcony, she's too much of a wuss to do that, she'd much rather stay kidnapped than put some effort into taking a risk. I smile to myself at that thought, she can also be a diva when she wants to, however, the thing about her is she knows how to do it in a way that people will willingly drop everything to help her, she can be intimidating and likable at the same time.

That's the girl I fell in love with but since she started dating that asshole, she seems helpless unhappy, timid and she's lost a lot of weight, all the curves that use to hug her body right are gone and she seems bonier than ever. Looking at her at times breaks my heart. All I want to do is help put the broken pieces back together and have my old Jessica back. The feisty, confident and beautiful Jessica again.

I decide on making her some breakfast hoping that will clear her mind a little. I still have so many questions though, What made him try to kill her and how did she escape? I always knew that guy was a psycho but she never listened to me. I don't understand what is it about him that made her fall for him so fast she was willing to overlook the psychoness? I mean I get that physically he's got the whole Jason Momoa thing going on but, I'm hot too, I mean, not as big as him, but you could tell I lift too so what exactly did he have that I didn't? That still seems like a question I'll never get the answer to cause every time I ask her, she'd dodge it.

I knock on the room door but no answer so I unlatch the latch on the door and carry in the tray of breakfast I had made for her. I see her in a white bathrobe and a towel wrapped around her head, sitting down on the floor, going through her suitcase of clothes as she pulls out denim shorts and a black JayZ T-shirt. I had contacted Tiana and asked her to help me get Jess's stuff from Jason's house. I didn't tell her what went down exactly, cause I wasn't sure either last night. I just told her they had a fight and Jess doesn't want to go back there, so this morning she went over. She said he wasn't home but she knew the passcode. She didn't push me for details but knowing Tiana, she'll get the details she wants sooner or later. Jess and Tiana seem to have a very weird relationship, they seem more like best friends than they do a boss and an assistant.

"Jess, I made you some pancakes and eggs. I also made orange juice.... its freshly juiced," I said chirpily, trying to lighten the mood. I knew she was still upset about me locking her up.

"Thanks, just put it there," she says pointing to the study desk, getting up and walking back into the bathroom. I follow behind her and stop in front of the shut bathroom door.

"Jess... I'm sorry for locking you in here. I just... I'm just trying to protect you... Please don't be mad at me." I sigh, leaning my forehead against the bathroom door. Silence, I hear a little shuffling in the bathroom and the bathroom door suddenly opens, causing me to lose my balance a little. She walks right out all dressed and walks straight to the desk where I had laid the food and began digging in, completely ignoring my presence.

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