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I wake up to the sound of my alarm buzzing. Today is the day of my first show and we're starting here in LA! Scooter thought it would be best to start from the inside out. So if the shows in LA goes well, then I'll be doing Madison Square Garden, and a few other states in South and North America, before going back to Europe and then Asia, and finish off with Australia.

Judging by my alarm that reads 3.30am, it won't be long before I get into my fast paced life. I've been relaxing for far too long. 2 months of break felt like a year and this is exhausting. So basically, the plan is, I wake up and brush my teeth and get ready, the car gets here by 4.30am and we go back to Santa Monica, where the concert is. But before all that, I have two radio interviews, and then fitting and then sound check, and then I get to go back to the hotel and rest for 5 hours, before heading back to the Arena for the show. I'm excited but filled with nerves. I thought, us putting the tour on hold would cause me my fans but apparently we have more ticket sales and I might have more dates added. So that actually turned out great.

I come out of the shower and check my phone to see if there's any message from Tiana. I find one text from Scooter, wishing me all the best and from Andre, telling me pretty much the same thing.

Andre and I have been going steady so far but somehow I still feel a little empty and I dont know why because Andre seem like the perfect guy. I'd be lying if I said I didnt miss Zac. I miss him so much but I think it sort of gets better, the longer I dont seem. He hasn't texted me in 2 months and I thank God I've been prepping for the tour so I was too distracted to focus on what he's doing but that didn't stop my imagination from running. I'm pretty sure he and Sarah have been spending alot of time together. The only thing that helps me not worry too much is the fact that Zac is probably Sarah's rebound and rebounds don't last. I don't know why I care so much, I mean, I have Andre and Andre is amazing and sweet. He gives me security and he's a really classy guy. I need that.

"Hey, how's it going?" Andre asks, on the other line.

"Not too bad, I just finished my second radio interview so we're about to have lunch before I go for soundcheck," I tell him.

"That's nice. I heard the interview." He says.

"Oh really? What did you think?"

"I thought you were very diplomatic with your answers. You don't want them to know you're seeing someone?" He asks in a tone I couldn't quite read.

"Well, my ex-boyfriend died a few months ago, don't you think its too soon for me to tell the world I'm seeing someone? Plus, interviews are mostly for my music Andre, not for me to parade my love life." I say, getting slightly annoyed by his statement.

"Hey, Of course, that makes sense. Don't worry about it. I'm secure enough to know that you'll tell them when you think it's right, okay?" He says sweetly and I couldn't help but smile at how understanding and kind he is.

"You're so sweet, you know that?" I tell him and he chuckles.

"Anyway, I called to let you know that I'll be leaving the office early tonight so I can make it in time for your show." He says.

"What? Really? Thats awesome!"

"Yea, I'm bringing Avery and some of her friends. My sister is busy so I sort of volunteered. Mostly so I can see you too." He says and I chuckle.

"Well that's great. I'll send you Paul, my tour managers contact so you can call him when you get here. If you come like half an hour earlier, he'll direct you back stage with the girls so we can hang for a bit." I tell him.

"Are you sure? I'm bringing like 4 fangirls with me. Wouldn't that be too crazy for you?" He asks

"Trust me, I've had worse. Plus, meeting them before the show, will pump me up a bit. Just come."

BROKEN (Sequel to Behind The Lights)Where stories live. Discover now