Is he just "any guy"

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I decided to take what everybody said and take a break from the tour and instead, I put all my energy into redoing my new house. I actually have a house of my own. Not an apartment, a house. This felt so good. It felt so good to own my own property. I mean, it was nowhere near Zac's house. Zac's house was as big as a mansion with like 7 bedrooms, a library, a cinema room, all sort of random rooms and space. Mine is a simple house with four bedrooms and five bathrooms. A nice front and back yard and a swimming pool. And I loved being able to call a place home.

I was done tidying by 12 pm and started feeling a little hungry. It was then that I realized how lonely I am here cause Zac is hardly ever here and I don't really have any friends in the area yet. I decide to call Ari, to see what she's up to. Its been a while since I've gotten to hang out with them cause everyone's just always busy. I need to find some common friends here in LA cause the people in this industry are just always busy.

About an hour later, Ari and I are seated at Olive Garden having lunch together. I had ordered a chicken Ceasar salad and Ari ordered an Alfredo pasta. 10 minutes later, our food is served and we begin digging in.

"Hey, I'm so sorry I wasn't there through the whole Jason thing." She says and I suddenly panic. How did she know about Jason? "So who did the funeral?" She asks and I immediately realize, she was talking about his accident.

"Oh, that's fine. Everyone was busy. His manager did the funeral cause he didn't have any family." I inform her.

"Wow! That must suck to have no one to share all his success with but he was lucky to have you, Jess. It looked like he really loved you." She says, placing her hand on mine, comfortingly. "Hmmm," I say, not knowing what else to say to that.

It's crazy how on the outside my relationship appeared so picture perfect. It would also look so good on paper "the world-renowned boxer and his popstar girlfriend." Little did anyone know that my whole relationship was a nightmare. I was dating the devil.

Out of nowhere, from the corner of my eyes, I notice a familiar brunette man with curly hair. He walks into the restaurant and heads over to a table but what surprised me even more, was the brunette lady he had with him. He pulls out a chair for her and she takes a seat. I couldn't see her face or his until he heads over to the chair opposite from her, that I see his face. "Zac?" I accidentally blurt out.

"What? Which Zac?" Ari asked glancing around until she noticed him too. "Oh, Zac Steele. Who's that hottie with him?" She asks ignorantly. She had no idea that I had feelings for Zac.

"I don't know. Well, who cares. Its none of my business." I say, turning back to look at my food when in my head I'm so tempted to know who she is, and what are they doing together. I mean, she could just be someone he's working with. Arrrghh I'm so tempted to go over there.

"OMG! You're jealous." Ari says a little too loudly. "Shhh Shut it! What the heck? I'm not." I defend myself.

"Wait! Didn't you and Zac have a little something?" She asks. "What no! Absolutely not!" I could feel my body heating up as I lied

"Yes, yes you guys did. You kissed at my party." She says in realization.

"It was just a drunken mistake but nothing crazy happened okay. We're just friends." I tell her.

"Dude, you're a little vixen aren't you? You had Jason and Zac on the side" She says amused.

"Ari, stop it," I say sternly.

"Fine don't tell me but I can see it in your eyes, Jess. You're jealous. You know you really like him." She says knowingly but little does she know, I don't just like the man. I think I'm in love with him.

BROKEN (Sequel to Behind The Lights)Where stories live. Discover now