I Miss You Baby

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5 years ago

Jason walks into the apartment he shares with Alicia, after a tiring day of training. His muscles are sore and all he's been doing the past 3 weeks was training. He was either lifting, doing cardio or punching for at least 12 hours a day and today he decided to end training a little earlier and spend some time with his girl Alicia.

"BABE! BABBY! I'M HOME!" He calls out, carrying a bouquet of roses in his hands. He was so excited to surprise her. He'd felt a little guilty for being so busy and not spending enough time with her.

No answer is heard and so he walks in placing the flowers on the dining table and heading upstairs thinking she might be asleep but it's still really early. "Ah, she must be really tired after all her studying." He thought to himself.

As he makes his way upstairs, he hears a sound that causes his blood to freeze immediately. He wasn't sure if he was just hallucinating or it was actually happening. Like lightning, he makes his way into the master bedroom that they share, turning the doorknob and bursting in to find the girl he love, the girl who he'd do anything for, on top of the a guy he recognized as her university professor Mr.Donovan who she constantly gushes about. Never in a million years would Jason imagine this situation. Cause he trusted her.

Before he can process what he's doing, he yanks her off him as her naked body slams against the wall and hits the ground hard. He begins punching the man hard in the face. After 2 punches, Mr.Donovan is a bleeding mess. "Wait! Jason stop!" Alicia cries as she wraps a blanket around herself, climbing over Jason, trying to rip him off Donovan who now is unconscious. He didn't care, cause the only emotion he felt this very moment was rage and the thirst for blood. He grips Donovan's jaw and neck, twisting it till a cracking sound is heard.

Alicia backs away in shock and fear, realizing he had just killed her professor. Jason turns around and begins walking towards her as she constantly backs away from him in fear, her tremoring body still wrapped in the long sheets, she ends up losing her balance, falling to the ground, struggling to get back up. He leaves Donovan's now dead body there and walks up to the girl he loved and thought was pure and sweet, now she just looked like trash to him. How could she do this to him? "Jason, please, I'm so sorry." She cries on the ground, gripping his leg. He was filled with rage, he couldn't look at her, he was disgusted and angry and all he saw was red, all he wanted was this slut dead.

He yanks her by the arm and she shrieks in pain. As he drags her out of the room and throws her down the flight of stairs. He stands at the top and watches as she tumbles down, with no remorse in his heart, whatsoever. He walks down to the foot of the stairs and watches as she lays there struggling to speak or move and her eyes looks at him, pleadingly.

"Why?" He asked her as he squats down to take a closer look at the girl he once loved. She continues to twitch and he was pretty sure, even if she survived this, she would be paralyzed. "I gave you everything and you promised to love me." He says caressing her hair. "You know what you are sweetheart? You're a whore.... and you know what happens to whores? They get killed." He says as he picks her head up and slams it hard at the edge of the stairs, blood oozes out as her eyes roll back. He shuts her eyelids with his hand and leaves her now lifeless body there, bleeding.

He gets off the ground and fishes his phone out from his pocket, wiping his bloody knuckles against his jeans and then scrolling through his contacts stopping at "Tim". He hits call and says "We have a problem. Get over here asap." He says in an emotionless tone and hangs up.

The thing with Jason is he is a man of influence and a man of many connections. Getting away with murders is one of his new perks. People fear him and he's a very dark man. He does whatever he wants and consequences aren't something he has to worry about.

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