This Is Moving On

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Zac's POV

I never intended to move on. I don't even think this is considered moving on. I mean, Sarah just got out of a break-up and I don't think I'm interested in being her rebound either. I was just lonely, and in the midst of running after that one girl, I lost myself.

Who I was, what I really wanted. My thoughts, my emotions my judgments were all consumed by her and Sarah helped me see that. She made me realize it wasn't healthy at all. Do I still care about Jess? Absolutely. Do I still love her? With all my heart. In fact, I don't think I could ever love anyone else as much as I love that girl but I'm done chasing her. If she really wanted to be with me, it was time, she did some work. Especially now that Jason's out of the way, it should be so much clearer for her to decide. For the longest time, my whole world simply revolved around her and I completely forgot about myself.

Being around Sarah, helped me see that. We have so much in common, it's ridiculous. If I haven't had met Jess first, I wouldn't think twice about dating this girl but unfortunately, Jess already has my heart in her hand and she gets to decide what she wants to do with it.

Sarah had broken up with her boyfriend of one year, two weeks ago and I had spent a lot of time with her, since. Cause I figured, why not? I mean, she's hot and lonely, I'm hot and lonely and yes we did have a lot of fun. I'm talking sex kind of fun. She knew it was only physical as I made that extremely clear to her from the beginning. I wasn't going to repeat my mistakes again. She was cool with it. Two weeks later, she asked me on a date.

I do admit, I was a little on the edge cause I made it clear that this was never gonna become a relationship and she said she is totally fine with that and that she's not looking for a relationship either so here we are, seated at Olive Garden.

"You look really good in that dress Dr.Parker." I compliment her. she had on an extremely short and flare sunflower dress. It exposed her creamy shoulders that were slightly covered by her brunette hair that she let down. She had on her usual thick frame glasses that made her still look smart despite how hot and kinky I knew she was.

"Oh thank you Mr.Steele," she says smiling shyly.

"You know...." I say leaning in, I think it would look a lot hotter, Off you though." I tell her smirking as my hands under the table, makes it's way up her inner thigh.

"Oh My God! Control yourself, Mr. Steele," She scolds, blushing, she immediately pushes my hand away, clasping her legs together. Her response had me giggling.

Suddenly I saw her. She had on slim black jeans with holes in the knees, that hugged her hips right, a tight olive t-shirt, and heels. Her dark brown hair was curly and fell down her shoulders just the way I like it. Her curves were back in place and her face was clear from makeup but she still looked gorgeous as ever.

She walks up to our table with an extremely fake smile. I could totally tell it was fake considering I've seen her give that smile tons of times when she's in a place she doesn't want to be at or around people she couldn't stand.

"Zac?" It takes me a moment to process that she's already standing in front of us.

"Jess?... Hey.. what um.. what are you doing here?" I ask her, still a little unprepared for this run in. I mean, I'm here with Sarah.

"The same reason everyone else is here." She says casually shrugging and looks over to Sarah. Her face immediately drops and I felt bad. I don't even know why I'm feeling uneasy, I mean. I didn't do anything wrong to her. She chose not to be with me and I'm allowed to see other people.

"Dr. Parker?" She says in disgust.

"Hey, Jessica. How are you doing? Zac tells me you've been going to therapy and I think that's absolutely great." She says kindly but Jess gives her a "stop talking, you make me sick" look that almost made me laugh. She was clearly jealous.

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