The Tour

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"Tell me everything. Starting with why you didn't come to me about this? You broke up with him more than a month ago and only now you're telling me this?" Tiana asks as she shuts my apartment door and walks in behind me, hurt and disappointment laced in her voice. We had left the show about half an hour ago after Matt gave Wendy and the producers a piece of his mind.

Apparently, Matt did tell Wendy and the team not to talk about Jason but they did it anyway. It's unbelievable how disrespectful these people can be.

"I'm so sorry Ti..., I was in too much of a shock and pain and I just wasn't in the state to talk about it." I begin crying again. Just when I thought I had run out of tears, having cried almost every day, the last week. I'm back at it again.

"Oh, Jess.." Tiana drops the bags she was carrying and runs to my side, hugging me like how my mum would. Holding me tight in her embrace, she begins crying with me too.

"Did you make a police report?" She questions.

"I cant Ti.., I need to speak to him first. I need closure. I need to know why he did what he did?" I tell her and her face turns into a similar expression I got from Zac.

"Jess, you're being ridiculous. You can get that closure from him while he's behind bars. I hired bodyguards to protect you, in case he tries to force you to get back together with him, not in case he comes after you with a damn gun Jess."

"He won't do that," I say to her. I'm honestly not sure anymore but I don't think he'll shoot me, would he?

"How can you be so sure? Oh my god, Jess, you need to stop being delusional." Tiana laughs as if the things I was saying were funny to her. I begin to get frustrated by the way she's reacting. I already had to deal with Zac regarding this and now her.

"Ti.. even if I wanted to report him, I no longer have proof. Any scar he could have possibly put on me is gone. What proof do I have?" I ask her. That was the only thing I could think of and I watch as she shakes her head and walks towards the kitchen in defeat. she finally realized I was right. I had no proof.

"You can't see him again Jess." She tells me gently as I walk into the kitchen. I knew to argue with her on this will result in a huge fight, quite similar to what happened between Zac and I so I just had to give her what she wanted for now.

It's not like I plan on talking to him anytime soon anyway. Looking at his picture on the screen today sent chills down my spine and I realize, I'm still terrified of him.

"Okay," I tell her and she gives me a weak smile.

~ 2 months later~

It's finally here, the first leg of our 2019 tour I've been anticipating and prepping for the past 2 months and its finally here. I love how my year starts with this tour. I got to spend a week of Christmas in the Caribbean with my family and the following week, moving into my new beach house. I fell in love with Malibu having stayed in Zac's house for almost 2 months, I knew this was where I wanted to live. Zac kept forcing me to just stay at his place for as long as I wanted but I couldn't do that, it's not right. Plus the aesthetics of this house gives me a headache and I can't get creative in here. I'm happy he accepted the cheques I sent him without putting up too much of a fight. I love that he respects me enough and doesn't try to tell me what to do.

It was about time I bought a house anyway. I've been putting all my earnings into savings and I don't even know what I was saving for, Sometimes I get this fear that I might not be famous anymore and will lose all my money and so I save them up for a rainy day but my career seems to be getting better by the second so why not buy a house? Plus it'll be an investment anyway. I ended up buying a nice chic looking house that's a few blocks away from Zac and I did that on purpose cause I didn't know anyone else out here in Malibu. The house was a white-themed, marble print house which is very aesthetically pleasing. I mean, not right now. Right now it's just covered in boxes and I had zero time to settle in, cause of the whole tour prepping.

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