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Nash's POV

'Cam.' I said, my breath hitched as I was pulled close to his body.

'I thought I'd lost you.' Cameron cried into my chest.

'Im always yours Cam. I wish I'd never came to England and found out about Sasha.'

'I wish Sasha never happened.'

'So do I.'

'Nash, will you take me back.'

'Cam I.' I was cut off my Tai's hand colliding with my cheek. I fell to the floor and looked up. Cameron had Tai pinned up against the wall and was yelling in his face.

'YOU DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT THE FUCK YOU JUST DID OR WHO YOU JUST MESSED WITH. YOU CROSSED A FUCKING LINE TAI, YOU CROSSED A LINE AND YOURE NOT GETTING BACK. YOU DESERVE TO ROT IN HELL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO NASH. YOU HAVE RUINED HIS LIFE. I KNOW I DID TO BUT I DID IT MENTALLY. YOU HAVE PHYSICALLY ABUSED HIM AND I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THAT. NASH DOESNT DESERVE THE PHYSICAL PAIN YOU HAVE CAUSED HIM. ROT IN FUCKING HELL.' Cameron yelled at a Tai who looked lost in Cameron's grasp. I was struggling to get my breath back and I knew everyone in the room was looking our way, Cameron held his hand out to me to help me up. I looked up at him and grabbed his hand. He pulled me to my feet and kissed me passionately. Tai was left against the wall.

'I love you Nash.' Cameron said to me, leaning his head against my chest.

'I love you too. Cameron?'


'I take you back, every single thing you did, I forgive all of it. Because I know you love me. You always have had my heart and you never gave it back. For as long as I live Cameron I'm yours,'

'Nash. Listen. I regret everything I did in England. You're my world. All those kisses and hugs, I need them all back Nash. I need them all back. I never should have done what I did. I could have lost you forever, but you're my soul mate Nash, I can't live without you. You complete me. You make me whole and you make me happy. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. Fuck the past Nash, let's focus on us, let's focus on the future.' Cam said as I pulled him into a forceful kiss. Everyone around us cheered and whooped. I wouldn't let Cameron go. He was mine, now, and forever.

'Nash. Can I asked something really random and I don't care if you say no.' Cameron asked

'As long as you don't ask me to move to England.' I said jokingly

'No I'm not asking you that.' Cameron said and he moved away from me slightly.

'Cam what are you doing.' I asked and Cameron got down on one knee, everyone held their breath,

'Hamilton Nash Grier, you're my everything, so I'm asking you this today to show everyone what you mean to me. We've had our ups and our downs Nash. But Hamilton Nash Grier, will you marry me?'

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