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Cameron's POV

Nash didn't talk to me for the rest of the evening. I tried cuddling with him on the sofa but he would just move away or sit up. He didn't want to be near me. I decided to pack my stuff and go back to my house. When I went upstairs Skylynn followed me. She grabbed my hand and walked by my side, she was a cute little thing.

'What are you doing?' She asked me

'Im going back to my house for a bit.' I replied

'Have you and Nash had an argument?'

'Yes, could you tell?' I asked smiling

'Just a little bit.' Skylynn said laughing.

She came with me into Nash's room and sat on his bed while I was packing. She smiled as I picked up my clothes, I was careful not to show her the condoms or lube that were under some of my clothes. I picked up all my chargers and I dropped a bag of pills on the floor. Skylynn's face dropped

'Cameron what are they?' She asked

'Umm, they're headache pills.' I lied

'Oh, ok.' Her face went back to normal and I sighed silently.

I finished packing and carried all of my bags downstairs.

'Take this with you.' Skylynn said while giving me a pink pony to carry.

'But this is your favourite one.' I said

'I don't mind. I want you to remember me.' She smiled

'I will always remember you Skylynn, I'm only going home. I don't live here remember?'

'When will you and Nash live together?'

'I asked him to live with me Skylynn, that's why we had an argument.'

'Oh.' She said and she hugged my legs. I stroked her hair and gave her a kiss on the forehead before putting my bags in the trunk of the car. I then went back inside to find Nash, he was stood on the other side of the door staring at me. He had no smile on his face. It looked filled with rage. I went to give him a hug and he gave me a light hug back.

'Ill see you tomorrow.' I said.

'With the flight information, for our holiday.'

'Is there nothing that will make you come with me?'


'I love you Nash.'


I kissed him lightly and he kissed me back before shutting the door behind me as I left. I got in the car and sat in my seat for a few minutes before driving off. I pulled up outside my house and went inside, my mom was in the kitchen making some soup.

'Hey mom.' I called

'Who are you again?' She asked

'Dont try and be funny mom.' I said while laughing

'So you do remember where home is. You're like a pigeon.'


'They always come home.'


'Amd they poop everywhere, like you.'

'Thanks mom.'

'What? When you were a baby I had to run around after you pulling out atomic bombs from your diaper. Someone asked me if you were smuggling bombs into the country,'

'Mom, what the hell.'

'You were a strange child baby a strange child.'

'Thanks. Anyway, what's for dinner.'

'Some crap out the cupboard. I couldn't be bothered to go shopping and get some decent stuff so I've thrown together some random food.'

'Like what?'

'Spaghetti, peas, sweetcorn, lemonade and soup.'

'Youre a very special woman mom.'

'As are you my little model.'

how did you know about that?'

'I got a phonecall about it Cameron. Have you told Nashy boo?'

'Yeah, he's not talking to me.'

'Why not?'

'I asked him to move out there with me.'

'Well you retard why do you think he's not talking to you? Cameron you scared him and you're asking him to leave everything behind.'

'He said he'd come out with me on holiday.'

'Well then, maybe if he saw how sweet you are and everything, he might reconsider and come with you.'

'Thanks mom.'

'Anytime baby. Now you can have first helpings of my souphetti.'

I shook my head at my mum and sighed, she was one special woman.

Nash's POV

Once Cameron left I had an understanding of what I wanted to do. I wanted to go with him, I really did but I can't go with him and leave my whole family behind, they mean so much to me. I love them all, he can't make me choose like that. My life is just as important as his, if not mines slightly more important to me than his. My life will mould my future.


'Yeah Hayes?'

'What are you doing?'

'Sitting and chilling, what about you?'

'Watching you.'

'What like a stalker watching me or,'

'No Nash I'm not a stalker.'

I was about to get up and go upstairs when there was a knock at the front door. I opened it and Taylor came in with Shawn. Shawn had a bright red face, like he'd been crying hard or running for ages and Taylor looked the same.

'Are you guys ok?'


'Whats up?'

'Its a fucking long run from Shawn's to here.' Taylor said

'Why did you run it?'

'Taylor broke his car down.' Shawn said


'Outside Shawn's house.'

'Why are you here then?' I asked

'To call the tow trucks.'

'Why didn't you do that from Shawn's?'

The two of them looked at each other with puzzled expressions. Jeez, I was friends with some strange people.

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