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Nash's POV

'Jack you plum head!' I heard JJ shout deeper in the sea. I laughed to myself, they have everything sorted out. They're getting married. Something Cameron and I won't do now. I got my phone out of my pocket and looked at my DM's, to my surprise, Cameron had replied, even though it was getting pretty late in England.
From: Cameron Dallas
It's ok. I guess it's force of habit, sending group texts. Nash, I miss you, the flat is too quiet without you in it, granted I invited a friend over to keep me company, but they're not a patch on you. When are you coming to visit Nash? I love you X
I read the message and wondered who it was he had over for company, I didn't think for very long, knowing full well it would be Sasha, whore.
To: Cameron Dallas
I'll look at flights for in two weeks time, then I'll come and visit you, (get some alcohol) I miss you too. Let me guess, Sasha McCompany?? (See what I did there). I love you too. X
I did what I said I'd do and I searched up airline flights from here to England for two weeks time. I booked myself on one for an early flight and then I checked my DM's again to see if Cam had replied, he hadn't. So I decided to do what I was going to do earlier and message Aaron.
To:Aaron Carpenter
Why did you do it Aaron?
I think you have some explaining to do.
Hayes loved you Aaron, you broke his heart.
I then locked my phone and ran back up to Hayes and Shawn. Hayes had just about finished his ice cream and Shawn was singing to himself quietly, I didn't want to interrupt so I left him to it. When Hayes was completely done I saw him run up the beach towards somebody. I couldn't work out who it was, they were too far away. I looked at Shawn.
'Its Aaron.' Shawn stated
'But Aaron has longer hair than that?' I replied
'Had it cut just after you left, he looks a lot better with it shorter.'
'Right.' I said, and I looked to Hayes. He was stood with his arms crossed in front of him shouting something at Aaron. Aaron was stood there with his arms by his side just taking everything that Hayes said. I could see that Hayes was stating to get really angry and I saw him push Aaron who just took it. Granted I was pissed off at Aaron but Hayes just can't walk around shoving people. I ran down the beach towards them and I saw Hayes push Aaron again. As soon as Aaron saw me he tensed up and couldn't look at Hayes.
'Whats going on here.' I asked Hayes
'Hes a whore! A man whore! And he has the cheek to come down here to try and say sorry!' Hayes shouted
'I just wanted to explain.' Aaron said, still not looking at either of us, he was looking down at e floor.
'Let him explain Hayes, Aaron, come up the beach with us to where we're all sat. I'm not happy with you at all Aaron,but I think you deserve to explain yourself.' I said calmly. Hayes was red with rage and he stormed off up the beach back towards Shawn. Aaron stayed still. I poked him in the arm and his glands turned to me, but slowly.
'You coming?' I asked. He nodded and walked beside me up the beach
'It was a drunken mistake.' Aaron said
'Tell me everything.'
'There were these kids at school. They seemed awesome and I really wanted to be friends with them. Not saying that Shawn and the other guys aren't cool, but these ones were really cool. All through school I didn't have any chance of being friends with them but then the coolest guy, Beau moved in next door to me with all the other guys. I introduced myself the day they moved in and they told me that they were having a housewarming party that night. And I could go if I wanted. I wanted to be like them so I went over there. The place stunk of alchohol and Jai, one of Beaus brothers introduced me to this girl, I forgot to mention to them that I wasn't single. I was drunk and at that time I couldn't think straight so I followed Jai upstairs to the bedroom and he opened the door and this girl was on the bed. He said to me that she was for me so I went inside and he shut the door, the girl was in. There and we ended up having drunken sex and I completely forgot about a condom and now she's pregnant and she's keeping the baby. I found out after the party that someone had spiked my drink, and that's why I seemed more drunk than anyone else.' Aaron explained
'So you never meant to hurt Hayes,' I asked
'Of course not, I love him with all my heart and I'd do anything to put this right, he means everything to me and my life hasn't been the same without him Nash, I'm so sorry.'
'Go and tell him everything you just told me and cry and do whatever. Tell him everything you told me Aaron, everything and if he doesn't forgive you come and tell me. I just want my brother to be happy and I know he was happy when he was with you.' I said and I ran into the sea to join Taylor and. Jack and. Jack. Matt and Carter joined us later with a beach ball and we started hitting them over the waves together. Taylor went to hit the ball but he lost his balance and face planted the sea. We all erupted into laughter but we stopped when we saw Hayes and aaron walking off together. We all looked up at Shawn but he just widened his eyes and shrugged his shoulders, holding his arms out to show his confusion. Taylor laughed at his boyfriends emotion and ran up the beach to him. We watched as Taylor tried to give Shawn a hug but Shawn kept pushing him away, he didn't want to get wet.
'Are they still as strong as ever?" I asked the guys
'Like you wouldn't belive. When Jack and I got engaged, Taylor wouldn't stop going on about wanting to get married himself and he kept telling Shawn, I have no idea what Shawn's doing about it though.' Jack Gilinsky said to me
'Fair enough.' I replied, not really knowing what to say to them. As I wanted to get married to Cameron some day, but we'd have to live together to do that.
'Do you think you're being a bit of a diva over all of this Nash?' Jack Johnson asked me
'Soemtimes I sit and think to myself, maybe if should never have left him there alone. But another part of me says, although you love him Nash, don't give up the rest of your life for him.' I explained and the Jack's nodded as if they understood. It was quiet for a few minutes before we all got out of the sea and went up to Shawn and Taylor. Matt and Carter joined us but Aaron and Hayes had completely disappeared. I looked around me at everyone cuddled up next to their partners, I felt alone. Lost and alone. I wanted Cameron.
The rest of the day went by slowly.
'Who wants to stay over mine tonight?' Taylor shouted to us all and we all nodded, staying round Taylor's was always interesting, especially when there was alcohol. But that's only been there once. When we were done at the beach Taylor drove him and Shawn back to his house and Jack drove him and Jack. Carter, Matt and I walked there,stopping off at all of our houses in the process to get some clothes for the next day. As we walked I noticed how carter and Matt kept whispering to each other. It was actually beginning to get annoying.
'What are you guys whispering about?' I asked them and they looked at me
'We should tell him Matt.' Carter said and Matt nodded
'Carter and I have plane tickets for me and him to go and visit Cameron on Wednesday.' Matt said and I looked at him blankly.
'Nash say something.' Carter said
'Thats fine! I hope you have a great time,!' I said, fortunately we were outside Taylor's house so we didn't have to talk about it anymore than that.
Taylor opened the front door shirtless and grinning like an idiot. He led us inside and to his bedroom where he had a fair bit of alcohol lying around the floor, and Shawn was sat on the bed drinking a juice carton.
'We can play truth or dare.' Taylor shouted and called all of us to sit on the floor of his room in a circle. Jack and Jack sat next to each other and they were to the left of me then to the right of me was Carter and Matt and next to Matt was Shawn with Taylor in between Shawn and Gilinsky. Taylor span an empty vodka bottle and it landed on Jack Johnson.
'Truth or dare?' Taylor said as he took a swig of his drink
'Dare.' Jack Johnson replied.
'I dare you to kiss Nash. For 30 seconds. No air gaps.' I looked at Taylor and Jack looked at Jack, who basically just said go for it. Jack looked at me and leant in for it. His mouth just gently rested on top of mine and we both had our eyes open. Until Gilinsky pushed the back of Jack's head so that Jack applied more pressure and closed his eyes. I laughed into the kiss and Jack did too. I heard a phone camera go off but I couldn't pull away until 30 seconds was up. Jack and I both looked at each other and laughed again at our awkward kiss until Taylor said that thirty seconds was over.
The rest of the evening went by quite quickly and we were all laying in bed. Matt, Shawn and Jack G were asleep and I saw carter texting on his phone, I checked the time, it was pretty late.
'Do you miss him.' Taylor asked me
'Huh?' I replied
'Cameron. Do you miss him.'
'Of course I do I love him.'

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