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Cameron's POV

I woke up in a different room of the house, Sasha was sat on the floor holding a wet flannel, she had obviously been wiping sweat away from my head or something. I looked at the clock, 3:00 in the afternoon. I groaned as I sat up which made Sasha look at me,

'Cameron thank god you're ok, you inhaled too much. You've never done that before have you?' Sasha said and I looked at her nose, I could already see the middle piece eroding away, she'd never continue as a model if she only had one nostril.

'Im fine and no I've never done that before, I've never even smoked and I'm not doing that again.' I said to her as I stood up and made my way to the door of the house, Sasha was behind me but she wasn't leaving. James stood at the bottom of the stairs with his other friends.

'Will we be seeing you again Cameron?' James asked me

'I see it unlikely.' I said as I shut the door in their faces. I walked slowly back to my flat, walking through some of the shops as I did, looking in some of the windows. In one of them I found a guitar that was being sold really cheaply. I went inside and paid for it before I walked home. Once I got Inside, I went into the kitchen and made myself a drink before sitting on the floor of the living room. I got my guitar out of the case it was in and messaged the only person I could think of that was brilliant with guitars.

To: Shawn Mendes

Are you free for me to FaceTime or Skype you?

X x x x

From: Shawn Mendes



I went on Skype and called up Shawn. He answered almost immediately. His face filled the screen as he answered the call too close to the camera, something he does quite a bit. He looked at me weirdly.

'Hey cam.' He said

'Hey Shawn, are you alone.' I asked

'Yeah, Taylor passed out at Jack and Jack's so I left him there, why did you want me may I ask?'

'Well you said about singing to Nash and I've found the perfect song, and I even bought a guitar but I need to learn how to actually okay it, so I called the best guitar player I know. You.'

'What song do you want to learn then bro?' Shawn asked me.

---skip to four weeks later---

Nash's POV

I woke up in Tai's house, he was laying beside me on the bed. Not that I could really move seeing as I had been taped to the head board. My relationship with a Tai isn't healthy. He likes to dominate, he has rough sex, sometimes handcuffing me down or taping me like he did last night. And sometimes he hits me and shouts at me randomly. I've not had any more attraction to him since he started to hit me, it feels like I don't know him anymore, and I can't walk away, that's not possible, he'd kill me.

I looked beside me at Tai's sleeping body and sighed, how the fuck did I end up here, I thought to myself. I looked at the clock, 8:00. Cameron would be getting ready to go out now I thought to myself. To the guys, I have to carry on like nothing's wrong. Jack and Jack even asked me to bring Tai to their wedding next week, I wanted to say no I won't do that but Tai overheard and now he's coming with me. Taylor, Shawn, Matt and Carter are all strange around Tai, and I never wondered why until I found out what he did to his ex. But he told me he had changed and I have to let the guys believe that, I can't have Tai getting really angry with me.

'Morning sexy.' Tai said as he rolled over.

'Morning,' tai slapped my cheek

'Compliment me in the morning,' he said to me

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