Before The Dark

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I woke up to the familiar yet annoying sound of my alarm clock. I slammed my hand down to silence the box but it falls to the floor and continues to yell at me. I lazly get up and turn my alarm off and sat it back down on my bed side table. I changed into my horrible uniform and when I went to flip my head over to put it in its usual pony tail, a strange feeling of nausea took over my body and I sat down on the edge of my bed. I waited until the dizzyness subdued before trying to put my hair up again. I went and got my breakfast bap and put my lunch in my bag and said goodbye to my dad, before heading off to hell again.

I walked to the bus stop because Becca isn't giving me a lift today. Something about her mum and work. I waited for the bus wth my earphones in listening to ordinary life by simple plan but the nightcore version. I lost myself in the music. The bus pulled up snapping back to reality. I got onto the bus and took a seat near the back but not right at the back so I can avoid the drugies at the back and the annoying first years at the front. Yes I know I am a first year but I am not one of the annoying ones who runs to class and is obessed over that one boy. ugh they annoy me. I pull up a book on my phone still listening to music and ignoring everyone. Yes, I had done the jerk thing and put my bag on the chair next to me to stop people from sitting there but, I swear if the bus gets packed I will move it but if not, then I am happy to avoid people.

The bus pulled up to the station and I got off to begin my walk through the town to school. Becca was in the station waiting for me. She waved to signal her presence so I walked up to her and she frowned. I mimicked her expression and she tutted, roleing her eyes and then with one had on her hip and the other pointed at her ears. I saw her earings of silver owls. They reflected the light greating a small rainbow. "Nice earings" I complemented. 

"Not what I ment fizz" She stated whilst pulling my earphones out

"Hey!" I yelled in protest 

"No avoiding people" she scolded so I made hand puppets again and she slapped my hand. I rubbed my hand and faked pain. She did not fall for it, being used to my antics, instead she drabbed my arm and began dragging me through the station towards the exit. I yelled apologies to anyone we bumped into on her rampage. We made it out and she checked her phone I peered over her shoulder to see what she was doing and she was texting someone, something I dont care on reading. Next thing I knew she had my arm and was dragging me down the street. "You have got to stop doing this!" I said whilst trying to dodge the oncoming people. She just shrugged and even tho I can't see, I know she is smirking. We take the shortcut through the field and the cinema carpark, past the doctors up the one way system. We waited for the traffic to die down before sprinting across the wide road and walking up the hill. We crossed the road agian, to cross the adjacent road to get to the lolly pop man. It's a part of the school rule that we cross at that exact part of the road and being right outside the school and a teacher being the lollypop man It's to much of a risk to just skip this one step in our travel to school. 

We waited for the lollypop man to deem it safe to cross. We crossed when he montioned us to move. We walked up the hill to get to the building and to the pupil entrance. We walked to our locker to dump our stuff and Becca gave me back my hoodie and I gave her back her Jumper, not destroyed and freshly washed. She slipped it neatly into her locker and I chucked mines into my bag. We entered our form class on time for once. The day started its boring drilling routine. I went from class to class mindlessly waiting for something exciting to actually happen for once. I often slippped into Fiza's Fantasy World. By fourth period I started to feel nauseated again. I tried to shake it off but as the day went on it got worse and worse. I left in the middle of English. My favourite subject! Just to be sick. UGHHH! Why!? I decided to go home so I headed to the office for permission to leave and they wouldnt give me it even though I told them I had just been sick. They didn't believe. "Just over dramatising" They said. So I headed back to the bathroom to phone my dad and tell him what just happened. 

on my way there I saw the vice princable. I turned back around to avoid the interogation of why I am not in class but it was to late I had been spotted and she was calling out my name, in her high pitched annoying squeaky voice. I turned back around with a big fake smile to seem genuine and innocent. Then came the question I was expecting "Why are you not in class?" 

"I am not feeling well miss, so I went to the office but they won't let me go home. So, now I am heading to the bathroom beacuse I feel like I am going to be sick." 

"Oh dear" Was my vice princibles only response to her sick student. Then she nodded like she was clarifying something before saying "I will come with you to make sure your okay" Damit what am I gonna do, now that the old bat wants to come with?

"No-It is okay miss-" I attempted to say

"Nonsence I will not leave my student when they are unwell" She said waving away my attempt to get rid of her.

"Really miss, I will be fine, I have been feeling nauseous all day"

"Well that is just unecceptable" She stated like it was someones fault. 

Then things went black and I fell for the floor. I didn't realise I was this tired. 


Hi it is your trust author here to pop in and say hi to all you beautiful people.

Please don't forget to vote and comment to give me that badly needed confidence.

What do you think? What happened to fiza? What do you think of her and Becca's friendship? 

Also just a little side note I am writting this quite late and super tired cus work got me dead. So sorry for any mistakes. I have 8 hour shifts for the rest of the week so I can't promise daily updates but I will try. 

Have a good day/Night 

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