Chapter VI: God of Gods, King of Kings

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"So, that's pretty much it." Pyrrha says, walking around the outside of the cafeteria. "Unless you'd like to see the different classroom halls in more detail?" She offers. "It might help you find your classes easier."

"That's alright." (F/N) says with a wave of his hand. "I'm sure I'll manage."

"Well, then that's the end of the tour." Pyrrha says, beginning to walk with (F/N) back towards the large statue in the main courtyard.

"Thanks, Pyrrha." (F/N) says as they make their way back towards the dormitories. "I know you probably have better things to be doing with your time then showing the new kid around, but I want you to know that I really appreciate it."

"It was no trouble, really." Pyrrha insists. "I just hope that you can find your way around... Oh, hello Professor Ozpin."

Pyrrha stops talking as their  path crosses with a grey haired, bespectacled man in a dark, forest green suit. One hand holds a steaming mug, the other free of its usual cane.

"Good afternoon Ms. Nikos." Professor Ozpin greets. "And I take it you're Mr. (L/N)."

"Yes sir." (F/N) nods.

"It's nice to meet you, my name is Professor Ozpin. I am the headmaster here at Beacon Academy, although I trust you already know this."

"Yes. Pyrrha told me as much."

"I see." The headmaster takes a moment to take a small sip from his mug. "And how have you found the tour thus far?"

"Brilliant." (F/N) says. "Yeah, Pyrrha's great. Very nice, very friendly."

"And the facilities?"

"Oh, right." (F/N) says embarrassedly. "No, it looks very... impressive."

Professor Ozpin eyes (F/N) over his spectacles for a moment before turning to Pyrrha. "Thank you again, Ms. Nikos for volunteering to show Mr. (L/N) around. I'll take it from here."

"Sir?" Pyrrha asks, looking at the headmaster quizzically.

"I'd simply like to speak with Mr. (L/N) is all. Being the headmaster of Beacon, I like to personally welcome all our transfer students. Though try as we may, the huntsmen academies' curriculum never exactly lines up. I'd simply like to meet with Mr. (L/N) to see where we should place him academically."

"O-Of course." Pyrrha nods. "It was nice meeting you (F/N). I'll uh, I'll see you later?"

"Yeah." (F/N) says. "Yeah, I'd like that."

"Until next time then."

Professor Ozpin turns and begins walking off in the direction of Beacon Tower. After watching Pyrrha walk off for a few seconds, (F/N) turns and makes to catch up with the headmaster.

"Where are we going?" (F/N) asks.

"My office." Ozpin responds.

"Where's your office?"

"There." Ozpin points.

(F/N)'s eyes follow Professor Ozpin's finger to the very top of Beacon Tower. His mouth opens slightly as he stares at the tall pillar ahead. Ozpin takes notice of (F/N)'s expression and chuckles lightly.

"Beacon may not be as sleek as Atlas Academy." He says, staring up at the tower as well. "But we are not without our own benefits."

"Hmm? Oh yeah, right, Atlas was uh, really, er... fancy?"

"Hmm." Ozpin says, looking (F/N) over once more. "Well if you'll follow me, the elevator is just this way."

Professor Ozpin steps out of the elevator just a few minutes later, followed closely by (F/N). The headmaster takes his seat behind his desk, while (F/N) looks mesmerized out the window at the grounds below.

The Strength of a Soldier: Male Reader x Pyrrha Nikos (Part I)Where stories live. Discover now