Chapter XI: Pure

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One compartment behind, (F/N) has his face pressed to the glass like a small child, staring in wonder at the landscape below which becomes smaller and smaller as the wheel climbs, before coming back into view as it descends. For the entirety of the ride Pyrrha is silent, staring at her hands folded in her lap. As the ride ends, (F/N) moves to reach for the door, but is surprised when the wheel doesn't stop, passing them over to let the next carriage out.

"What's going on?" He asks, looking out the window as the next customers in line get on.

Pyrrha joins him and sees Yang waving up at them with a wink.

"Huh, guess we get a free ride." (F/N) says sitting back down. "Sweet."

"Come on guys." Yang says, leading the group back into the sea of people.

"But what about Pyrrha and (F/N)?" Ruby asks.

"Don't worry about them." Blake says, gently pushing Ruby's back. "They'll catch up."

Still watching the ground below them shrink, (F/N) frowns in confusion as the scenery doesn't change. The ground is no longer getting farther away, nor is it getting any closer. It seems like they've stopped at the top of the wheel. Having his fill of the surrounding landscape, (F/N) sits down across from Pyrrha.

"Pyrrha, you okay?" He asks. "You've been awfully quiet this whole time."

"Hmm? No, I'm fine." She says, still not meeting his gaze.

"You're not afraid of heights, are you?"


"That's good. Because I think the wheel might have broken."


"Yeah, the thing just stopped."

Pyrrha stands and places her hands up on the window, narrowing her eyes as she looks towards the ground. Below them is the wheel's operator, at this height looking little more than a multicolored speck. Still, he doesn't appear to be in any state of panic. Quite the contrary. In fact, it looks like he's leaning against the controls, fingering through a fistful of lien.

"Yang." Pyrrha hisses under her breath.

"What was that?"


(F/N) moves to stand next to Pyrrha at the window. He rests his arm against the glass as he stares out past the concrete of the Kingdom and at the surrounding grasslands and mountains.

"You know, I always forget how beautiful Vale is."

"Have you been in the Kingdom before?" Pyrrha asks, looking up at her friend.

"It was a long time ago." He says, resting his forehead against his arm.

Pyrrha continues to watch (F/N) with a small frown. Though the landscape shines brightly in the reflection of his (E/C) eyes, behind them is a darkness. Subtle, but present. This wasn't the first time she'd noticed it. Usually (F/N) was so bright and joyful and full of life. But every so often (F/N) seemed to change. It never lasted long, and whenever someone tried to bring it up, he would always avoid talking about it, pretending he couldn't hear until the topic of discussion changed. But during those few second slips, everything about him changed. He seemed older. Tired. His jaw would stiffen, his body becoming more rigid, and his eyes gained a certain sharp darkness, like a fire that burned black. And then it would disappear just as quickly as it had come. To most, the change went unnoticed, but for whatever reason, (F/N) tended to let his guard down around Pyrrha.

The Ferris wheel starts moving again, seeming to snap (F/N) out of his trance. The look in his eyes is gone and is replaced by a smile as he and Pyrrha finally reach the ground. Swept away by the sea of people, (F/N) and Pyrrha catch up with the others who have been lingering near a concessions stand, Yang leaning against the side of the booth while her sister eagerly points up at one of the menu options. Ruby is handed a large stick of cotton candy as Yang sees the two approaching.

The Strength of a Soldier: Male Reader x Pyrrha Nikos (Part I)Where stories live. Discover now