Chapter XIII: Tensions Rise

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Professor Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy, sits in his office at the top of Beacon Tower. His elbows are resting on his desk, fingers interlaced as he examines the numerous screens before him, the flashing colors reflecting in the lenses of his glasses.

"Tensions continue to rise as White Fang attacks increase in frequency and brutality."

"Support for the Purifiers grows as the White Fang..."

"A family of Faunus were found murdered in their home early this morning. Police suspect Purifiers are behind..."

"Another peace rally was ambushed by members of the extremist cult known as the White Fang."

"...Vale police still refuse to take action against the Purifiers..."

"As violence is met by more violence, one question remains..."

"The question on everybody's mind is..."

"Citizens can't help but ask..."

"Is Vale about to become a battleground?"

"How much longer before tensions finally snap?"

"Is war..."



"Is war imminent?"

"As we conclude our study of the Faunus wars, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the similarities of the events leading up to the first battles, and the events happening today. Any thoughts?"

Oobleck takes a sip from his thermos, waiting for a response.

"No volunteers?"

"Well," Cardin says from the back row, "like usual, it's the animals that started the whole thing."

"That's not fair." Blake says angrily. "The Faunus only felt the need to fight because humans denied them any semblance of equal rights."

"Oh please." Cardin scoffs. "We don't treat pigs with respect, how are the Faunus any different? They're animals. What's next? Are you gonna start asking me to get all chummy with Grimm?"

"Mr. Winchester." Oobleck says forcefully. "As usual, your mind shows the reflective ability of a broken mirror."

"Hey doc, even a broken mirror lets me check my hair."

"Perhaps, but it distorts the image." Oobleck responds.

"The only distorted image I see is why people are demanding we treat animals like they're worth something."

"Perhaps detention will help you fix your skewed perception. My office, this Saturday at noon. Everybody else, you're dismissed."

The classroom is filled with the sound of books being put away and notes being gathered as students stand and make their way out of the classroom.

"I swear," Blake says angrily, "one of these days Cardin's mouth is gonna get himself killed."

"Just try to ignore it." Jaune says. "He's a piece of crap. Guy's not worth worrying about. And besides, it's not like anyone'd miss him that much."

"Jaune." Pyrrha scolds.

"Don't get mad at him." Blake defends. "It's people like Cardin that make Remnant such a horrible place for the Faunus."

"I don't think that's fair." Weiss says. "I mean, I used to think a lot like him before I met you. I think behavior like Cardin's is just a symptom of a much larger problem."

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