Chapter VIII: Combat Test 001

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Being the new kid at a school can be hard. Being the new kid with a metal arm was even worse. It helped having friends beforehand though, which is why (F/N) was very grateful to have been introduced to Team JNPR before classes began. Having people to sit with definitely helped make the adjustment easier. The teachers call him up to the front of the class to introduce himself, not making a big spectacle out of it. They just made everyone aware of his presence and asked where he was from and how familiar he was with the curriculum.

Naturally, (F/N)'s familiarity with history, specifically the past one hundred years, was essentially nonexistent. However, seeing as he could hardly admit that to anyone, he simply gave a noncommittal answer and did his best to keep up with the inhuman speed of Dr. Oobleck's lecture. What he did manage to catch and translate to writing he found extremely interesting, especially when it came to understanding how humanity had managed to advance so much in just a century. (F/N) made a mental note to read the history textbook cover to cover when he had the time.

The last class before breaking for lunch was combat class. Taking a seat next to Pyrrha, (F/N) waited for the professor to walk in. Within minutes, the sound of heels clicking against the tiled floor echoed throughout the room, followed by the appearance of a tall, slender, blonde bespectacled women. She looked extremely stern and reminded (F/N) of some of the no nonsense officers from the military. (F/N) didn't need his semblance to know that this was not a woman to trifle with. Unsurprised, (F/N) soon found out that Professor Goodwitch ran her class with an extremely militaristic outline; no idle chatter, very little talk, almost all action. She didn't even stop to acknowledge (F/N)'s presence as all the other professors had, simply looking up at him from her tablet when coming across the new addition to her roster of names.

"Alright class." Professor Goodwitch announced towards the end of the period. "That about concludes our lesson for the day. Before I let you go however, we will have one final match. Mr. (L/N), if you would please come forward."

(F/N) made his way down to the arena at the front of the classroom, standing at attention underneath the bright lights. Feet shoulder width apart, shoulders back, chin up, hands folded behind his back.

"As I'm sure you all know by now, Mr. (L/N) is our newest transfer student from Atlas Academy." Turning so that she is addressing (F/N), she continues, "While I'm sure you are a capable fighter, I still need to evaluate your skill set. Consider this your first combat test."

(F/N) nods curtly.

"Hey Weiss, who's the new guy?"

(F/N) looks up to see an attractive girl with long blonde hair whispering to the girl next to her, her hair white as snow, her skin pale, though not sickly. In fact, she was actually quite beautiful.

"How should I know?" The girl named Weiss asks.

"Well, you're from Atlas, aren't you?"

"Yang, just because I'm from Atlas doesn't mean I know everyone there. Besides, I go to school at Beacon, just like you. How do you expect me to know the students at Atlas when I..."

"Miss Schnee." Professor Goodwitch calls out, causing everyone to turn and look at the girl.

"Yes professor?" She blushes.

"Thank you for volunteering to be (F/N)'s sparring partner."

Weiss drops her head and groans. Meanwhile (F/N) takes a double take at the young heiress. Schnee. He thinks to himself. Obvious really. I should have seen it before. She looks the spitting image of her sister.

"If the two of you would please change into your combat gear. Be back in no less than ten minutes."

(F/N) is back in the arena in five, dressed in a garb similar to that of an officer in the Atlesian military. A crisp white dress shirt tucked into a pair of white pants. A (F/C) tie secured around his neck, covered partially by a grey double-breasted vest. There are two silver pins on either side of his shirt's collar, deserving of a soldier of his rank, yet to anyone unfamiliar with Atlas' military markings, as well as anyone not looking for it, it simply looks like additional decoration. Weiss appears not long after, dressed in a white combat skirt, blouse, and bolero jacket. She holds a silver rapier at her side, the cylindrical rotating dust compartments not going unnoticed by (F/N)'s well trained eye.

The Strength of a Soldier: Male Reader x Pyrrha Nikos (Part I)Where stories live. Discover now