Chapter XVI: Half-Truths

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Somewhere over Atlas

Winter's heels click against the hard floors as she briskly makes her way through the airship. As she walks through the halls, passing soldiers stop and salute, to which she simply nods, acknowledging their respect for her rank and giving them permission to continue her day. Reaching her destination, she comes to a halt outside a large door at the helm of the ship. Breathing deeply, she readjusts her grip on her tablet and knocks three times.


Entering the security code on a nine-digit panel to the left of the doors, the metal panels slide apart granting her access to the General's office. The room is large, though mostly empty. The only furniture are two chairs seated in front of Ironwood's polished wooden desk, which the General is currently seated behind.

"Pardon the intrusion sir," she says, approaching the desk, "but you're going to want to see this."

"What is it?" Ironwood asks.

Moving behind the desk, Winter stands at Ironwood's side, placing the tablet on the table in front of him.

"The Vale Peace Rally was ambushed earlier today by members of the extremist group known as the Purifiers." Lisa Lavender reports over the screen. "Bypassing the event disguised as members of the Vale Police Department, the assailants began firing into the crowd an hour into the event. Faunus casualties are estimated to be in the dozens, and several officers were injured in the line of duty. Currently, police are investigating how the Purifiers managed to infiltrate the security detail but are not releasing any statements as of now. It has been speculated that several members of the Purifiers may have been members of the Vale Police Department, which would explain the complicit attitude they have had towards the extremists' actions over the past few months. Fortunately, a handful of huntsmen and huntresses from Beacon Academy were also in attendance, and they quickly put an end to the extremists' attack."

As Lavender continues talking, the screen shows flashes of the scene that were caught on camera, including the defeat of the Purifiers. The camera zooms in and focuses on nine students working together to defeat the terrorists, being coordinated with military like precision by one student in particular. Winter pauses the footage and the General leans back in his seat, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. On the screen is (F/N) (L/N), kneeling on a car and pointing with his metal arm as he instructs his fellow students.

"Footage like this is being broadcast on every station in Vale," Winter informs, "and a handful of channels within Atlas, and presumably the other Kingdoms as well."

"I see." Ironwood says. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention."

"Sir." Winter nods.

The General resumes the footage, watching (F/N) and Teams JNPR and RWBY swiftly incapacitating the attackers. His eyes narrow as he witnesses the young man working in tandem with a red-haired student donned in gladiatorial combat armor. The two work very well together, effortlessly taking down three Purifiers in a matter of seconds. Their movements are extremely well coordinated, Pyrrha dazing a Purifier with a shield bash, then ducking just in time for (F/N) to jump over her with a flying side kick. They're flawless, (F/N) bend over allowing Pyrrha to use his back as a launching point before tag teaming a muscular extremist, Pyrrha hitting high, (F/N) taking his knees. They seem to be able to communicate on a nonverbal level, reading each other's movements so effortlessly it seems like they could be reading each other's minds.

"Lieutenant." Ironwood says, his hands folded in front of his chin.


"Prepare an airship. I need you to get in contact with Mr. (L/N)

The Strength of a Soldier: Male Reader x Pyrrha Nikos (Part I)Where stories live. Discover now