Chapter XX: No More Secrets

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Reinman was hauled away in the back of a squad car, handcuffs secured around his beefy wrists. In the days that followed he would be convicted of multiple degrees of attempted homicide and violent acts of terrorism, sentenced to twenty-five years to life. The Purifiers disbanded and the Vale branch of the White Fang quieted down, at least for the time being. Though things had calmed down considerably, Vale still needed time to recover from recent events, most notably, the reconstruction of Summa Academy. As a result, the four kingdoms had agreed it would be best to postpone the Vytal Festival until the middle of the following school year.

Despite being heavily interrogated by both the Vale Police Department and Ozpin himself, Klar Reinman was still insisting that he didn't hire any mercenaries to attack the peace rally, thus, the identity of the voice over the phone was still a mystery. (F/N) wasn't concerned with it though, he was too preoccupied with the gorgeous woman he had in his room.

Tensions brought about from suppressed feelings and affections had been building for months and they were finally being released. The door was locked, (F/N) sitting on his bed, Pyrrha's legs draped on either side of his lap as she straddled him. The red fabric of her low-cut blouse bunched and wrinkled as (F/N)'s hands, one rough and weathered, the other, hard and metallic, traced down her sides, finally resting on the exposed flesh of her thighs, which, in contrast, was soft and smooth. Pyrrha's hair, free of its usual ponytail, was draped over her right shoulder. Her arms were draped over (F/N)'s shoulders, one hand tangled in his (H/C) locks, the other clutching the muscles of his back.

Pyrrha's lips, (F/N) noticed, were soft and tasted sweet, like red grapes. The movements of their joined mouths was slow, almost cautious. The kiss they shared was more than just a kiss, it was an exploration. More than just embracing, the two were determined to memorize the feeling of one another. The way their lips moved and their tongues danced. The tickling sensation from the steady inhale and exhale through the nose, and the small noises of pleasure they made. Nothing was rushed, every tender second treated as its own individual treasure.

To move so unhurriedly was both an immeasurable pleasure and an unbearable torture. For the past several months the two had been denying themselves, starving for each other. Now, drinking in the feeling of one another, it only made them want more. As their kiss deepened further, (F/N) began caressing Pyrrha's thighs, gripping and kneading at her flesh as he slowly rode his hands further up, pushing back the hem of her jean shorts. When the denim would bunch up no further, (F/N) slipped his hands over the fabric placing his hands delicately on Pyrrha's lower waist. His fingers trailed along the soft skin just beneath her naval, drifting steadily lower. His hands were dangerously close to her womanhood, his fingers just seconds away from unfastening the button on the front of her waist.

It would have been easy for Pyrrha to let him continue. Too easy. And that was the problem. It wouldn't do to overindulge. With a tremendous amount of willpower, she grabbed his wrists. Not violently or in way that implied he had done anything wrong, but in a rather gentle manner, one that simply told him she wasn't ready for that. At least, not yet. (F/N) picked up on her silent message and instead wrapped his arms around her waist, hands placed at the small of her back.

Their embrace would last for another hour.

As the sun sank from its highest point, slowly painting the sky different shades of orange and fuchsia, the two took to the Kingdom streets for a proper first date. (F/N) in his usual attire, Pyrrha in a white blouse and black skirt and tights, the two passed through the large metal archway marking the entrance of the Vytal Carnival. The many brilliant colored lights flashed across the night sky as hundreds of bodies passed through the fairgrounds; mostly young adults, not many children being out this late. Hand in hand, Pyrrha and (F/N) strolled leisurely through the crowd, making their way deeper into the carnival.

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