Chapter XV: Peace Rally

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"This is Lisa Lavender, reporting live from Greensborough Square in Central Vale where the Human-Faunus Peace Rally is just about to commence. Behind me, supporters for the event are just starting to arrive, as well as a handful of protestors too. The Kingdom's police force is out in droves today, here to keep the peace and ensure no fights break out during today's event, which is meant to serve as a symbol of unification and peace in these trying times. The event will feature an array of influential speakers from both sides of the issue, including reformed Purifier..."

The city square is beginning to fill with countless bodies as human and Faunus alike gather to show their support for a peaceful Remnant, one where the two species can live together. Protestors too, are gathering in mass, calling for war. Still, the number of those who would seek peace seem to greatly outnumber those who want violence, a reassuring sight. Meanwhile, nine Beacon students are huddled together towards the edge of the crowd.

"So, none of them knew who hired them?" Yang asks disappointedly. "That sucks."

"I wasn't really expecting them to." (F/N) says. "If the person who hired them is smart enough to orchestrate a war between human and Faunus just to act as a distraction, they're definitely smart enough to stay in the shadows."

"Well, at least we put a handful of mercenaries behind bars, right?" Ruby offers optimistically. "That counts for something."

"Yeah." Jaune agrees. "Looks like our work here is done."

Ren shakes his head. "Not quite. Ozpin wanted us to stay for the entirety of the event."

"Aw man."

"Don't complain Jaune." Pyrrha says in a very motherly tone. "Things could still go wrong. Just because the main threat has been dealt with doesn't mean we're not needed. A riot could still break out between the protestors from the two sides."

"What are they even doing here?" Weiss asks indignantly. "This is a peace rally. They should just go home."

"It's the same old story." Blake says knowingly. "Wherever there's a cause for peace, there'll be people calling for bloodshed."

"Looks like the rally's about to begin." (F/N) says, looking at the time on his scroll. "Stick with your partners and spread out."

The group separates once more, dispersing into the now large crowd. As Pyrrha and (F/N) get swallowed by the sea of people, Pyrrha can't help but place some distance between herself and her friend.

"What's bothering you Pyrrha?" (F/N) asks gently as they walk around the square.


"You haven't said anything in the past twenty minutes. That's not like you."

"Would you... would you stop doing that?" Pyrrha asks, an annoyed edge to her voice.

"Stop doing what?"

"Reading me." She says frustratedly. "Using your semblance. It's invasive and quite frankly, it's rude. I'm entitled to have my own private thoughts."

"Sorry." (F/N) says hastily. "I wasn't trying to... I just, it's hard to control sometimes. There's no on-off switch for the thing, it just... happens."

Pyrrha says nothing, instead turning her head away from (F/N).

"But," (F/N) continues, "we are friends. You don't need to hide yourself from me."

"Then why are you hiding yourself from me?!"

"What do you mean?" (F/N) asks innocently.

"There's something you're not telling me (F/N). Something you're not telling anyone. The others might not see it, but I do."

The Strength of a Soldier: Male Reader x Pyrrha Nikos (Part I)Where stories live. Discover now