Chapter XVIII: Summa Academy

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A bullhead lands at the scene and eight Beacon students step off. The police have set up a perimeter around the school extending back about a quarter mile from the building itself. The area has been closed off, police keeping onlookers a safe distance away, doing their best to block the news crews from seeing anything. Recognizing the two teams as huntsmen and huntresses, the officers allow Teams RWBY and JNPR to pass, giving them access to the scene. Entering the perimeter, they're surprised to find so many bodies crowding the area.

"Man, it looks like the entire VPD is here." Jaune says.

"The Vale Police Department isn't nearly this big." Pyrrha says, looking at the assembled personnel.

Just then, two figures in grey uniforms walk by, their black vests bearing the symbol of the Purifiers.

"What are they doing here?" Blake asks darkly.

"I don't know." Ruby says. "But we need to find whoever's in charge."

Asking around, one of the officers directs them to a large tent that has been erected some fifty meters away. Pushing through the flaps of the entrance, the eight step inside to see a group of people standing around a large table, in the middle of what seems to be a heated argument. The chief of police is at the head, to his right a SWAT officer. Standing on his left is a very tall, very muscular individual in a grey uniform. A long vertical scar runs along his left eye which is milky white. His hair buzzed and his jaw is square. This man is Klar Reinman, the leader of the Purifiers. Scattered around the table are other high-ranking officers and, RWBY and JNPR are surprised to find, (F/N).

"We can't storm the place Johnson," the chief shouts at the SWAT commander, "there are at least a hundred White Fang in that school, and we don't have the manpower to handle a threat that big."

"So let us go in." Reinman says. "We have enough men and more than enough firepower to deal with these animals."

"You can't go in there." (F/N) shouts. "Things are already bad enough, if the Purifiers go in there it'll be a blood bath."

"Remind be who this kid is again." Reinman growls.

"He's a student from Beacon." The chief says dismissively.

"Well, why don't you go back to class and let the adults handle this." Reinman laughs.

"I'm warning you chief, if you let them in, you'll be giving the White Fang exactly what they want."

"Sir, I think the kid's got a point." One of the other officers says. "I mean, we can't risk a firefight in there. We have to get the kids out."

"My scouts have already informed me all the students are gathered here, in the gymnasium." Reinman says, pointing one beefy finger at the map on the table. "If we enter here," he points at another part on the map, "we can draw their fire, lure them away from the kids. Once we've got most of them distracted, a small but efficient strike team will come in from the North and get the students and staff out. Then we'll surround them on all sides and annihilate them."

The police chief's eyes narrow as he rubs his jaw thoughtfully.

"Sir," (F/N) says, "you can't seriously be considering this."

"You got a better idea?"

"Let me go in and talk to them." (F/N) says. "We can try to negotiate, work something out."

"Animals don't negotiate kid." Reinman says. "You go in there, you'll be dead within the first minute, I guarantee it."

"Then so be it." (F/N) says. "But we should at least try to resolve this peacefully before sending in the cavalry. If they shoot me, fine, but at least try to do this without bloodshed."

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