Chapter XIV: See Everything

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Team JNPR steps out of their dorm in their combat gear to find (F/N) waiting for them, recently showered and cleanly shaven. With the excuse that he was sick, Pyrrha vouching for him, the five made their way to Ozpin's office at the peak of Beacon Tower. Stepping off the elevator they are greeted by the grey-haired headmaster and four other familiar faces belonging to the girls of Team RWBY.

"Excellent." Ozpin says, clapping his hands together. "Now that we're all here we can get started."

Pulling up several different screens, Ozpin allows the news clips to play for the nine students standing before him.

"As you can see," he says after ten seconds of letting the new play, "tensions between the White Fang and the Purifiers are at an all time high and they show no signs of easing up. The Kingdom's police force, I regret to say, are doing very little to keep the situation under control."

"So why are we here?" (F/N) asks.

"Members on both sides, even those not affiliated with the White Fang or Purifiers, are calling for blood. With the way things are currently, I'd say there's not much time before we're looking at an all-out war between Faunus and humans. All it would take is one more incident. One more straw before the camel's back breaks. I'm doing what I can to make sure that never happens, but I'm going to need your help."

"What are we supposed to do?" Ruby asks.

"There's another march happening tomorrow afternoon." Ozpin explains. "A peaceful gathering for more cool-headed individuals, both Faunus and human. I've been tipped off that someone is planning to use this event as a means to spark a war between the two sides."

"Who would want to do something like that?" Pyrrha asks.

"Someone who would benefit from the chaos that would ensue. If war breaks out, the police will be too busy trying to contain it to deal with anything else, meaning they'll be distracted from the real threat."

"What's the real threat?" Yang asks.

"I'm not sure." Ozpin says. "But recent events have made it obvious that someone out there is planning something big. Roman Torchwick working with the White Fang, Mountain Glenn, the Grimm invasion. It all hints at something bigger."

A thoughtful silence follows Ozpin's words.

"Why are you telling us all this?" Jaune asks, everyone staring at Ozpin.

"Because it seems no matter how hard I try to keep you away, you always find you way back into this. Listen to me children. This rally may be our best chance at apprehending the culprit behind these attacks, so I cannot stress enough how important it is that we don't tip our hand. Be discrete."

Central Vale

Saturday, 09:00 CVT

5 Hours to Rally

"Ugh, I still don't understand why we have to be here so early." Jaune groans

"Stop complaining Jaune." Ren says. "Ozpin is trusting us to ensure everything runs smoothly."

"Yeah, I know." Jaune says defensively. "But why five hours early?"

"To make sure the Purifiers and White Fang don't have the chance to pull anything." (F/N) explains. "If either group is planning on making a move today, you can bet they'll show up beforehand to scope out the area. We're here to make sure they don't have the chance to set anything up before the rally starts, and to double check that they haven't already."

"You really think they've already been here?" Ruby asks.

"Don't know." (F/N) shrugs. "But if it were me, I would have mapped out the area at least a week in advance."

The Strength of a Soldier: Male Reader x Pyrrha Nikos (Part I)Where stories live. Discover now