13. Took Your Advice. 12/14/17

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End call.


Therapist: This is Karla.

Self: Hey it's me.
I took your advice.
I'm leaving.
Can you find me.
I'm heading there now.
I'm scared.
I'm really fighting.
I'm on my last battle I can feel it.
I have to go now,
Or else tomorrow won't be seen.

Therapist: You know where to go.
I'll be meeting you there.
I'll be speaking to you everyday,
You won't be alone.
And you'll be scared.
But you won't be alone.
I promise I'll be there.

Self: And if this doesn't work.
What do we do?

Therapist: We keep fighting.
You keep fighting.
Are you driving?
Are you almost there?

Self: Yeah.
I can barely breathe.
I don't know if this will help me succeed.
But I have to try.
And be better for me.

Therapist: You're doing the right thing.
Did you tell anyone where you'd be?

Self: My family already knows.
I didn't make it home to explain.
I just left.
I had to,
Things were going insane.

Therapist: Okay.
You'll be there soon.
And you'll get the help you need.
And I'll meet you there.
So you don't feel at a need,
To rush out of there.
Because once you walk in,
You're committing yourself,
To you.
Like we spoke about.
I need to know you'll be able to handle this.
Promise me you will do everything,
For you to be better?

Self: I promise.
I'm parking.
Thank you for everything.
For pushing me to get help.

Therapist: That was all you.

End call.

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