pt. 4

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  After I figured out what Mickey was doing I knew he was going to have to go to rehab. He can't be known for doing drives. It could ruin our reputation. I hope whoever he gets his cocaine from doesn't tell any news reporters. I'm going to figure out who gave him the drugs and make sure they keep quite.

  Minnie wants to know who I got the drugs from. I'm not sure what to tell her though. Should I just lie about it? If she finds out Max gave me them there's no telling what would happen. If I don't tell Minnie tho I may ruin our marriage.

  If it gets out that I deal drugs I may not get the record deal I was promised anymore. I can't afford that to happen. This was supposed to be my big break. I don't want to be known as just a Soundcloud rapper anymore. I wanna be known as more.

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