3. Surprisingly Soft

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**Play the song when the italicized lyrics show up later in the chapter**

Levi POV

When Erwin first forced this on me I admit, I thought it would just be a complete waste of time and nothing would change at all between me and that brat of a Squad Leader. But she wasn't actually so bad when she was trying to get along with me. I promised Erwin I would at least try and get along with her too and so far, the past couple of days had gone by smoothly. Her attitude problem didn't seem to rear its ugly head and I tried to keep my insulting nicknames to a minimum since those seemed to offend her the most.


I walked out of my bedroom late one night, heading for the kitchen to make myself some tea to try and relax so I could get some sleep as my insomnia was acting up again. It must have been around three in the morning and I stopped in the living room when I saw a fire in the fireplace and (Name) on the floor in front of it all curled up with her duvet. When had she come out of her bedroom? And how did I not hear her start a fire or leave her bedroom right across the hall from mine in the first place? Well, I suppose that didn't matter.

I walked over to her and leaned down to try and get a look at her face. She was asleep but her lips were turned down in a sad frown and her eyebrows were knit together as if she was having a bad dream. I watched her sleep for a moment before turning and walking into the kitchen to make my tea. When the water was ready, I poured it into my cup to steep my tea and then glanced over at the empty doorway to the sitting room. I turned back to the cabinet above the counter and took down another cup, making more tea for her. When both cups of hot tea were ready, I picked them up and walked out to set them on the small coffee table before crouching down beside (Name).

I placed a hand lightly on her shoulder and shook it slightly. "Oi, brat. You shouldn't be sleeping on the floor." I made sure my voice was quiet but loud enough to hopefully rouse her from her sleep. It worked and she shifted under her duvet, sitting up slowly and looking at me with tired, sad (e/c) eyes. "Levi...?" She started but I cut her off, standing and getting the two cups of tea, handing her one. She took it and brought it close to her, holding it in both hands to soak up the warmth the cup radiated. She inhaled deeply the smell of the strong black tea and sighed lightly afterward before taking a few sips.

"You couldn't sleep, huh?" She said when her tea was all gone, setting the cup on the coffee table and then wrapping her duvet around herself more as she looked over at the fire. "Yeah... Why are you out here and not in bed?" I asked her, unable to stop myself from acting soft while I was run down and tired like this. I wanted to sleep but I just couldn't seem to get comfortable in my bed and when I did get comfortable, my eyes didn't want to stay closed because I would suddenly no longer feel tired. "I don't know... I couldn't sleep so I came out here and then I was cold so I started a fire and I guess exhaustion just took over when I got warmed up." She shrugged, watching the flames dance and grow smaller.

"Do you want to sit and watch the fire with me till you can sleep?" She offered suddenly after a short silence between us. I was surprised by the suggestion, especially since I didn't think she would care that I was unable to sleep. But I didn't deny it either. I had nothing better to try so why the hell not? "I guess," I said plainly, finishing the last sip of my tea and placing my cup on the coffee table as I got up from the couch to go and sit beside her on the floor. She finally looked at me and shifted so that she was sitting with her legs out in front of her and bracing herself on her arms behind her. Her duvet lay piled up on her lap and around her shoulders, she used one hand to offer part of it to me. I hesitated but quickly gave in since it was sorta chilly even with the fire going, shifting to lay down on my back with my head in her lap.

I watched her eyes as the dying fire flickered in them. She looked so sad still from whatever her dream had been about and I frowned slightly, rolling onto my side to watch the fire and burning embers with her. We were both silent as she covered me up with part of her duvet and I slowly began to feel tired. I don't know why this had worked so easily to make me feel like I could sleep but it did. I didn't even tense as I felt her fingers idly play with my hair, I just let out a soft sigh and let my eyes close as she began to softly sing in the otherwise silent cabin.

"Hush now, my darling,

Close your eyes and sleep.

Waltzing the waves,

Diving the deep.

Stars are shining bright,

The wind is on the rise,

Whispering words of long lost lullabies.

Oh, won't you come with me,

Where the moon is made of gold?

And in the morning sun, we'll be sailing.

Oh, won't you come with me,

Where the ocean meets the sky?

And as the clouds roll by,

We'll sing the song of the sea.

I had a dream last night

And heard the sweetest sound.

I saw a great white light

And dancers in the round.

Castles in the sand,

Cradles in the trees.

Don't cry; I'll see you by and by.

Oh, won't you come with me,

Where the moon is made of gold?

And in the morning sun, we'll be sailing.

Oh, won't you come with me,

Where the ocean meets the sky?

And as the clouds roll by,

We'll sing the song of the sea.

Rolling, Rolling...

Rolling, Rolling..."

I let myself rest there with her gentle singing voice washing over me as I slowly drifted off, her humming quietly before starting to sing once more. I didn't even hear the last verse of whatever lullaby she was singing to me, but I didn't need to. I was already asleep.

Reader POV

I watched Levi's eyes close from where I was above him as I kept my singing quiet but in tune with how I remembered my mother singing it when I was little. And even when I knew he was finally asleep, I finished the last chorus of the verse, allowing my voice to get quieter as I closed my eyes and laid back on the floor, my hand resting lightly on Levi's head, fingers loosely tangled in his soft, short hair.

"Oh, won't you come with me,

Where the moon is made of gold?

And in the morning sun, we'll be sailing free.

Oh, won't you come with me,

Where the ocean meets the sky?

And as the clouds roll by,

We'll sing the song of the sea..."

I fell asleep shortly after, a small smile on my lips that hadn't known such a thing in a very long time...

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