10. Tension Break (L)

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Levi POV

I had wanted to continue that conversation with (Name) but it's been nearly two weeks since I was able to get any alone time with her and not be interrupted and I was getting annoyed now. Ten minutes. That's all I needed to get both of us on the same page about what she wanted with me. Was that really so much to ask for? I sat with my arms crossed on my desk, glaring at the paperwork in front of me while Hanji talked my ears off. I wasn't listening at all. She was just rambling about some experiment she was working on with Eren and as long as she didn't harm the brat I didn't really give a shit about it. It wasn't even that useful for helping us understand the titans.

She finally left when it was time for curfew, but only because Erwin had given her the job of checking on the cadets to make sure everyone was in their dorms for lights out. I heaved a long sigh when my office was left in silence. It was nice after listening to Hanji babble on and on for who knows how many hours. I finally had some peace and quiet and I found my thoughts trailing away from the paperwork I was trying to focus on and onto the person I'd been thinking about constantly these past two weeks. (Name).

She'd told me that she wanted to get more intimate with me and I admit, I thought about it more often than I probably should. I hadn't really thought much about that sort of thing with her before that day but I did find her attractive. That pretty (h/c) hair and that lithe but strong figure... Those crystal-like (e/c) eyes and those peachy pink lips that had felt so soft against my own that morning that she kissed me chastely. I wondered what expression they would make under me; what sounds might pass through those lips if I pleasured her; what that body might look like under that uniform... With the lack of alone time, we hadn't kissed or shared any other more innocent type of intimacy since that morning. It was getting to me and dammit, I couldn't take it anymore. I needed to do something about this before I go crazy from the building sexual frustration.


I was about to leave my office to find her but when I opened the door I stopped in my tracks. There she stood, hand raised in a loose fist that was poised to knock on the door I just pulled open away from her. She looked at me with slightly wide eyes, clearly not having been expecting this to happen. She lowered her hand and I reached out and gently grabbed her wrist, pulling her into the room. "Corporal..?" She questioned as she stumbled forward into the room and I shut the door behind her, flicking the lock so that nobody could disturb us this time.

I turned to get a better look at her as she gave me a slightly confused look. Her hair was down and a bit messy, her eyes holding a strange sparkle to them that I hadn't ever seen in them before. She absentmindedly licked her dry lips and sucked one side of her bottom lip back between her teeth that lightly held it there. She was once again wearing that too-big button up shirt that I was certain was one of mine. She didn't have any pants on but I could see the black color of her panties through the thin shirt where it touched her hips. I slowly scanned her from her bare feet all the way back up to those pretty lips of hers and realized she was trying to get my attention. I hadn't heard anything she'd said while I'd been admiring the state she was in before me.

"Levi... God, you weren't even listening. I said... Are you gonna wait until somebody comes to interrupt or are you gonna do something already?" The meaning behind her huffed question took a moment to register in my mind that had been trying to undress her where she stood and I parted my lips to speak but nothing came out. She frowned and pulled her wrist out of my grasp only to bring it up and take a hold of my cravat and pull me toward her with it as she leaned down slightly to connect our lips.

I quickly shook the shock out of my mind and placed my hands on her hips as I returned the rough, urgent kiss, carefully walking her backward toward my desk. She parted her lips in a tiny gasping inhale as her rump bumped against the edge of the cold wood of the desk and I took the opportunity to push my tongue into her mouth and explore the new territory. She hummed against my lips in satisfaction and wrapped her arms around my shoulders loosely, one hand coming to rest at the back of my head and I felt her fingers curl into the longer part of my hair.

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